Radio Netherlands Worldwide (October 4, 1987)

Jan Oosterveen submits this recording and writes: 


"In the 1980's I often drove from home to the Radio Netherlands Flevo Transmittersite to make a clean recording of Happy Station."

"Also on October 4 1987 I was there. After the recording, the tape kept running also on the radio I was tunig around until at 21:28 I heard a very strong carrier coming from the transmitter building on a frequency not used that time: 9.850 kHz."

"I kept listening and there was an announcement of a Dutch transmission with frequency announcements in Dutch not mentioning 9.850 kHz."

"After the time signal suddenly a program for Indonesia started. How strange. The day after i called Continuity at RNW and I was told that I had picked up a non published frequency they used at that time to feed the transmitter in Madagascar because there was an outage on the satelite feed. But the engineer had made a mistake by sending out the wrong statiion-id. So it turned out i had a very unique recording. You must be aware that in this period no one actually used the internet for feeding a relay station."


RNW 04 Oct 2013
Jan Oosterveen