Voice of America (Skylab Re-entry Coverage): July 11, 1979

Photo: NASA

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Nigel Thornbury, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Voice of America (VOA)

Date of recording: July 11, 1979

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-5900 long wire

Voice of America (Skylab Re-entry Coverage): July 11, 1979
Nigel Thornbury

Radio Netherlands (Death of Pope John Paul I): September 28, 1978

Ioannes Paulus I, by Fotografia Felici, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Netherlands

Date of recording: 9/28/1978

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Unknown

Reception location: St. Cloud, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-5900W using a whip antenna

Notes: Radio Netherland's shortwave transmission announcing the death of Pope John Paul I in 1978. I had tuned in to listen to DX Juke Box and heard that the show was being preempted due to the unexpected passing. Pope John Paul I was head of the Catholic Church for only 33 days, the shortest in papal history.

Radio Netherlands (Death of Pope John Paul I): September 12, 1978
Tom Gavaras

WRUL Shortwave, JFK Assassination (Studio Recording): November 22, 1963

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

WRUL Radio New York Worldwide JFK Assassination Coverage 11/22/1963

WRUL (Radio New York Worldwide) shortwave coverage in English and Spanish of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy including coverage from ABC Radio. Recording provided by Todd Kosovich.

WRUL Shortwave, JFK Assassination (Studio Recording): November 22, 1963
Tom Gavaras / Todd Kosovich

BBC World Service (Announcing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II): September 8, 2022

Princess Elizabeth circa 1945 (Image Source: Public Domain)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Pavick, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: BBC World Service

Date of recording: 9/8/2022

Starting time: 1600 UTC

Frequency: 12025 kHz

Receiver and antenna: SDR at University of Twente in Holland

Mode: AM

Notes: This is an off-air recording the BBC World Service on Thursday 8 September 2022 from 1600 to 1800 UTC on 12025 khz from the Kranji relay station in Singapore. It is the 90 minutes before the announcement of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, with the news bulletin at about minute 93

BBC World Service (Announcing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II): September 8, 2022
Anthony Pavick

BBC World Service Reporting on the Death of Queen Elizabeth II

This recording was made on September 8, 2022 at 1959 UTC on 12095 kHz using GPD MicroPC, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter 2, Wellbrook UMB130 balun and a 2x6m dipole. Demodulation and additional signal audio enhancement was performed in SDR#.

BBC World Service: September 08, 2022
London Shortwave

Voice of Korea: May 12, 2022. North Korea officially announces its first COVID-19 outbreak

Quoting The Diplomat:

For the first time, North Korea has confirmed a positive COVID-19 case within the country. The state-run Korean Central News Agency reported on May 12 that a “specimen from persons with fever” in Pyongyang had come back positive for the Omicron BA.2 variant, a particularly contagious strain of the virus. The phrasing of the announcement makes it unclear how many people are infected. KCNA called the development a “most serious emergency case of the state.”

Below is the recording of this announcement being made on the Voice of Korea's English language service. The recording was made on May 12, 2022 at 1908 UTC on 11635 kHz using GPD MicroPC, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter 2, Wellbrook UMB130 balun and a 2x6m dipole. Demodulation and additional signal audio enhancement was performed in SDR#.

Voice of Korea: May 12, 2022
London Shortwave

BBC World Service (Coverage of Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 22-27, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Tod, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: BBC World Service broadcast with the first news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Broadcaster: BBC

Date of recording: 2/22/2022 - 02/27/2022

Starting time: various: see recording titel

Frequency: 6.195 & 7.285 MHz

Reception location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 24, 2022 (04:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 22, 2022 (05:00 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 24, 2022 (05:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 25, 2022 (04:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 27, 2022 (05:00 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 27, 2022 (06:00 UTC)
Matt Todd

Twin Cities Radio Compilation Capitol Insurrection: January 6, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a compilation of radio broadcast from Twin Cities, Minnesota radio stations when the news of the January 6 US Capitol storming was first mentioned.

Time stamps for the following stations and their time of broadcast:

00:00 WCCO 1:07 CST

01:24 KTLK 1:08 CST

02:08 KYCR 1:20 CST

03:31 WLOL 2:04 CST

06:43 WWTC 2:08 CST

09:39 KDIZ 3:06 CST

Twin Cities Radio Compilation Capitol Insurrection: January 6, 2021
Matt Todd

Radio Ukraine International: March 3, 2022

Image by Marjan Blan | @marjanblan

The following recording of Radio Ukraine International was broadcast via WRMI on 5010 kHz. This recording was made via a KiwiSDR in Bakersville, NC on March 3, 2022 starting at 12:02 UTC.

Note: The first two minutes of the broadcast are missing due to a glitch in recording.

Radio Ukraine International: March 3, 2022

Radio Ukraine International: February 24, 2022

Kiev, Ukraine (Photo by Volodymyr)

The following recording of Radio Ukraine International was made on February 24, 2022 at 12:00 UTC on 5010 kHz via WRMI. The recording was made with an Icom IC-705 connected to a large skyloop antenna.

This is the first broadcast of the English language after the following February 23, 2022 announcement by WRMI:

Due to the increased interest in the current situation in Ukraine, WRMI has resumed its relays of the daily English language broadcast of Radio Ukraine International, the official overseas service of Ukrainian Radio. RUI can be heard daily, except Friday, at 1200-1230 UTC on 5010 kHz.

Note that the first half of this broadcast (Part 1) was made in AM mode. The second part was recorded in lower sideband in order to mitigate fading as conditions changed.

Part 1 (AM): Radio Ukraine International: February 24, 2022
Thomas Witherspoon
Part 2 (USB): Radio Ukraine International: February 24, 2022
Thomas Witherspoon

Voice of the Revolution/Guinea - Funeral Observances for Kwame Nkrumah: 1972

by Dan Robinson

In 1972, the Voice of the Revolution, Guinea’s national radio carried the funeral ceremony for Francis Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president after independence. Quoting from the history: “Nkrumah was born in the Gold Coast (later Ghana) in 1909 and was educated there before going to the United States in 1935 where he attended Lincoln University and later, the University of Pennsylvania. Nkrumah spent 10 years in the U.S., and later went to England to study at the London School of Economics. At the same time, he intensified his political activities for the independence of his homeland, which he led to full nationhood on March 6,1957. He was toppled in 1966 in a coup by army officers and remained in exile in neighboring Guinea until his death in April 1972 in Bucharest, Romania, where he had gone for medical treatment.

As reported by AFP from Accra: “The body of Kwame Nkrumah was flown back here today in a special Guinean Air Force plane. The military government or declared all flags to be flown at half‐staff until the former President is buried in Nkroful, a village 190 miles southwest of here where he was born on Sept. 1, 1909.

Return of the pan‐African leader's body to Ghana marks the culmination of protracted negotiations between the governing National Redemption Council here and President Sékou Touré of Guinea. Mr. Nkrumah died on April 27 in Rumania, where he was receiving medical treatment, and his body was taken to Guinea.

At first, President Touré refused Ghanaian requests for the body and gave Mr. Nkrumah a state funeral in Conakry, the Guinean capital. The Ghanaian had spent most of the years of his exile in Conakry, following his overthrow in 1966 in Ghana's first military coup. He was given the symbolic title of Co‐President of Guinea by President Touré.

Radio Conakry, also known as The Voice of the Revolution, was frequently heard by listeners around the world, usually on its shortwave frequencies including 9,650 kHz and 7,125 kHz. Nkrumah had used the station to make speeches from Guinea to the people of Ghana in 1966.

In this recording, made in Pennsylvania in 1972, you hear part of what appears to be a funeral observance held in Conakry, mostly in French but some English. Radio Conakry remained on shortwave into the 2000s, but later was intermittent. After repairs to its transmitter, it returned to shortwave in 2016 and was still being heard as of early 2021, though at weaker levels than before, and mostly in European locations.

Radio Conakry (RAW Nkrumah Funeral Observance
Dan Robinson

BFBS London: February 16, 1991

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Roberto Ciappi, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: BFBS Special daily broadcast to the British troops in the Persian Gulf area, during the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq. They were using BBC transmitters in the UK.

Broadcaster: BFBS London

Date of recording: 2/16/1991

Starting time: 0920 UTC

Frequency: 21.59 MHz

Reception location: Northwest Italy

Receiver and antenna: Sony CFD-444S Stereo cassette recorder with telescopic antenna

BFBS London: February 16, 1991
Roberto Ciappi

Kol Israel: September 12, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dave Zantow, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Kol Israel (15:01)

September 12, 2001 at 0400 UTC

15640 kHz

Receiver used was a Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 (Sync on and 10 kHz bandwidth). One can hear minor DSP artifacts (burps) mixed in the background. Of course a common trait for the NRD-545.

Kol Israel: September 12, 2001
Dave Zantow

BBC World Service: September 12, 2001


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dave Zantow, who shares the following recording and notes:

BBC World Service (16:49)

September 12, 2001 at 0000 UTC on 5975 kHz

Receiver used was a Japan Radio Co. NRD-545 (Sync on and 10 kHz bandwidth). One can hear minor DSP artifacts (burps) mixed in the background. Of course a common trait for the NRD-545.

BBC World Service: September 12, 2001
Dave Zantow

Voyager 1 (90 Deg Bank Angle): Dec 20, 1986

Voyager QSL.jpeg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Frederick who shares the following recording and notes:

VOYAGER 1 90 Deg Bank Angle 8.822 MHz 20 Dec 1986 2200 UTC

Recently when cleaning out our attic I came across QSLs that I received from the Voyager crew from their historic1986 circumnavigation of the earth. After continued searching I also came across the cassette recordings I made of some of their communications between Dec 20 - 22, 1986. The first hour provides the most compelling listening, as I started the tape just before Voyage unexpectedly ran into severe weather issues off the coast of Brazil. The small aircraft was tossed to a bank angle of 90 degrees, which theoretically it shouldn't have recovered from, yet Rutan was just barely able to maintain control and keep flying. At the worst possible time, the Vandenburg transmitter went down leaving Rutan and Yeager out of communication with their weather team who they were depending on to give them a safe heading to fly out of the storms. The stress and tension of the situation are very evident in the voices. I have several hours of additional comms, but this excerpt is the most compelling. While preparing this submission, I discovered that Tom Gavaras from MN made a similar contribution on July 28, 2020, covering a period a couple of days after this event. These contributions are complementary and should probably be cross-linked for people interested in hearing different days of the mission. Note that like Tom, I also have the QSLs I received a few months after the mission.


Voyager Mission Control at Vandenburg AFB and Voyage aircraft in-flight near Brazil




~2200 UTC


8.822 MHz


Boston, MA USA


Icom 745 with horizontal wire dipole at ~30 ft.


Single Side Band

Additional details:

Regarding the QSL card, Bruce notes:

"...I was never a big QSL collector when I was active in the '80s but this was kind of special: QSLs for the Voyager 1 non-stop flight around the world in 1986, signed by Dick Rutan, Jeana Yeager, and Larry Gaskey (Mission Operations Director). Since this this wasn't a commercial broadcast organization, I didn't think they would have QSL cards (or even know what a QSL request was), so I followed the protocol of the time and prepared my own 8.5" x 11" printout and polite cover letter explaining why I was writing. I was blown away when I received not only detailed info on my home brew form, but a classy postcard signed personally by Rutan and Yeager..."


The Voyage flight plan from this website:

Voyager 1 (90 Deg Bank Angle): Dec 20, 1986
Bruce Frederick

Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Voice of America studio quality recording of shortwave coverage of Apollo 11. Starts with newscast on the status of Soviet Luna 2 orbiter that was also sent to the moon, Egyptian-Israel conflict at the Suez Canal, Organization of American States call for a cease fire between El Salvador and Honduras, entire cabinet in South Vietnam resigns, American air attacks against the Viet Cong, etc. Followed by latest updates on Apollo 11 (lunar module is on the moon), international reaction to landing on the moon, etc.

Date of recording: 7/20/1969

Starting time: 1730 UTC

Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969
Tom Gavaras

BBC World Service (Death of Fidel Castro): November 26, 2016


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott G., for the following recording and notes:

BBC World Service Reporting on the death of Fidel Castro. Believe these broadcasts were targeted to Africa, but reception was good into Europe that morning. I was listening to these using my home receiver in East Anglia, England, but due to local interference, started recording them using the Twente SDR.

Broadcaster: BBC

Date of recording: 11/26/2016

Starting time: 0700 UTC

Frequency: 11.770 & 12.095

Location: University of Twente, Netherlands

Receiver and antenna: SDR, Mini-Whip antenna

BBC-11.770 MHz-26Nov2016-0700UTC
Scott G
BBC-12.095 MHz-26Nov2016-0720UTC
Scott G
BBC-11.770 MHz-26Nov2016-0730UTC
Scott G

Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014


Many thanks to SRA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

On December 17, 2014 it was announced that diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba would be restored and an exchange of prisoners between the two countries would occur. This is the Radio Havana Cuba broadcast from that day. It was recorded December 18, 2014 at 0159 UTC on 6000khz using a Yaesu FT-857 in Hugo, MN.

Program Details:

00:00 Sign-on

01:25 News - Prisioners released in exchange, US and Cuba announced discussion to normalize relations, Complaint filed in relation to Bush era torture programs, Talaban attack in Afghanastan, Jeb Bush running for US President

12:00 Address from Cuban President Raul Castro

18:50 Commentary on ISIS

24:10 Sports

29:45 Cuban Music

34:25 News

39:00 Mailbag

51:15 Arts Roundup

Starting time: 0159 UTC

Frequency: 6 MHz

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Yaesu FT-857 and wire loop around the perimeter of the attic

Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014
Matt Todd

Voice of America covering assassination of President John F. Kennedy: November 22, 1963

US President, John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)

US President, John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Voice of America shortwave broadcast from Greenville, NC with English language coverage of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy as they struggle with CBS Television saying President Kennedy is dead and NBC Television saying that he is still alive. Transmission switches to a VOA Polish language broadcast near the end of the recording. Recording provided to me by broadcast historian, Todd Kosovich.

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 11/22/1963

Starting time: Approximately 1300

Voice of America covering assassination of President John F. Kennedy: November 22, 1963
Tom Gavaras

Radio Baghdad: September 26, 1990


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Lee Herterich, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is an off-the-air recording of shortwave radio station Radio Baghdad made on September 26, 1990. The political situation was about to lead to the first Iraq war. This was the European service on a frequency of 13,660 khz. which was aired between 20-22 UTC. It was recorded in the Boston USA area. Receiver was a Yaesu FRG-8800 with an indoor wire antenna. Direct recording into a cassette recorder.

Date of recording: 9/26/1990

Starting time: 21:15 UTC

Frequency: 13,660 kHz

Reception location: Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts USA

Receiver and antenna: Yaesu FRG-8800 with an indoor wire antenna. Direct recording into a cassette recorder.

Radio Baghdad: September 26, 1990
Lee Herterich