Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #3): 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording (from a series of seven studio recordings) and notes:

These recordings were originally provided to me on reel-to-reel tape directly from Radio Moscow (which I dubbed to a cassette). At that time, I was program director at St. Cloud State University's radio station KVSC-FM (St. Cloud, MN) and aired Moscow Mailbag once a week during the afternoon news block programming. Transcription shows from other shortwave stations were played on other weekday slots at the same time.

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #3): 1979
Tom Gavaras

Radio Afghanistan Station ID (English): 1976

Radio Afghanistan QSL.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Manfred Reiff, who shares the following recording and notes:

The first [Radio Afghanistan] recording is from 1976. The recording was made with the GRUNDIG Satellit 600 Professional recorder unit prototype I got from my uncle who worked at GRUNDIG as mentioned before.

Date: ?, sometime in 1976

Time: around 1130 GMT/UTC

QRG: 15195 kHz

Listen carefully to this recording. In the background you can hear the VOA Yankee Doodle played before starting its programmes. The programme was broadcast via the BBC Ascencion Island Relay, at 1130 GMT the VOA programme in Spanish for South America began. Later in the recording you can also hear Radio Moscow's ID signal.

Radio Afghanistan Station ID: 1976
Manfred Reiff

US Coast Guard Radio Station NMC: Summer of 2003


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

As for radio station NMC, I forget the frequency. It was somewhere in the aircraft band, somewhere about 8000KHZ. I used a Kenwood TS440S transceiver and I believe it was taped in the summer of 2003. Sorry I can't be more exact.

US Coast Guard Radio Station NMC: Summer of 2003
Bruce Atchison

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #2): 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording (from a series of seven studio recordings) and notes:

These recordings were originally provided to me on reel-to-reel tape directly from Radio Moscow (which I dubbed to a cassette). At that time, I was program director at St. Cloud State University's radio station KVSC-FM (St. Cloud, MN) and aired Moscow Mailbag once a week during the afternoon news block programming. Transcription shows from other shortwave stations were played on other weekday slots at the same time.

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #2): 1979
Tom Gavaras

Radio Australia "DXers Calling" Final Program: October 30, 1977

Grundig 600 Pro.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Manfred Reiff, who shares the following recording and notes:

I made this recording on (our) Sunday 30 October 1977 at 0841 to 0853 GMT (now: UTC) on 21570 kHz. It was one of my first recordings made with a newly bought GRUNDIG Satellit 600 Professional. I used both the built-in Telescope Antenna (144 centimeters in length) and a self-made outdoor antenna consisting of steel mast of 10 meters in height. On top of the mast my dad and I installed a copper pipe of nearly 5 meters in which we put a solid steel mast. In the gap my dad filled in liquid silicone to stabilize the system. We connected both metallic parts so it looked like a conductor. The antenna still exists although I moved to another location in 1987.

Please note that it is the original recording without editing it (reduce noise).

This recording was made on 30 October 1977, starting at 0841 GMT on 21,570 kHz:

Radio Australia "DXers Calling": October 30, 1977
Manfred Reiff

Radio New Zealand: July 1988

QSL source:

QSL source:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This is Radio New Zealand but I forgot the frequency. I recorded this in July of 1998 with my Uniden CR-2021. I can't remember the time either. I hope your listeners get a chuckle about this silly radio experiment.

Radio New Zealand: July 1988
Bruce Atchison

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #1): 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording (from a series of seven studio recordings) and notes:

These recordings were originally provided to me on reel-to-reel tape directly from Radio Moscow (which I dubbed to a cassette). At that time, I was program director at St. Cloud State University's radio station KVSC-FM (St. Cloud, MN) and aired Moscow Mailbag once a week during the afternoon news block programming. Transcription shows from other shortwave stations were played on other weekday slots at the same time.

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording 1): 1979
Tom Gavaras

Radio For Peace International: Summer of 1996


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This is Radio For Peace International from the summer of 1996. I can't remember the frequency but I'm sure others will. I recorded this about 01:00 UTC with my Uniden CR-2021. By the way, it's the same model as the Radio Shack 430 receiver but it had LEDs rather than a analogue tuning meter.

Radio For Peace International: Summer of 1996
Bruce Atchison

World of Radio: August 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This portion of Glenn Hauser's World of Radio show was taped in August of 1987 with my Sony ICF7600 receiver on 9850 kHz. It was on at 0200 UTC but I can't remember the station it was on. Perhaps it was WRNO.

World of Radio: August 1987
Bruce Atchison

Voice of Turkey: August 1, 2018


Voice of Turkey recorded in London, UK on August 01, 2018 at 1900 UTC on the frequency of 9460 kHz using AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter and DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference.

Voice of Turkey: August 1, 2018
London Shortwave