The 72 Ragchew Net: December 7, 2020

Mark Fahey’s KiwiSDR WebSDR

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: The 72 Ragchew Net

Date of recording: December 07, 2020

Frequency: 7272 kHz

Receiver location: Washington DC

Receiver and antenna: The NA5B WebSDR From Washington DC

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: This is my recording of The 72 Ragchew Net. This net is conducted every week on 7272 MHz. Recorded around 1150 UTC (11:50 AM). Recorded using the NA5BWebSDR from Washington DC. This webSDR covers shortwave, but also some VHF.

The 72 Ragchew Net: December 7, 2020
Bryce Belcher

The Hurricane Watch Net: September 27, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: The Hurricane Watch Net

Date of recording: September 27, 2022

Starting time: 14:38 UTC

Frequency: 14.325 mhZ

Reception location: Washington DC

Receiver and antenna: The NA5B webSDR from Washington DC

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: My recording of the hurricane watch net daytime on one, 4.325 MHz. This was recorded one day before hurricane Ian destroyed the west coast of Florida. This was recorded using the NA5B WebSDR in Washington, DC.

The Hurricane Watch Net: September 27, 2022
Bryce Belcher

Hurricane Watch Net: September 28, 2022

The following recording was made on September 28, 2022 starting at 1157 UTC on 7268 kHz (lower sideband).

At this time, Hurricane Ian hit the Florida coast as a category 4 storm and had been downgraded to a tropical storm over the Florida peninsula.

This recording was made using a WinRadio Excalubur software defined radio connected to a skyloop antenna near Asheville, North Carolina.

Hurricane Watch Net: September 28, 2022
Thomas Witherspoon

First 10 Minutes Of Amateur Radio Field Day 2021 (20M Band Scan): June 26, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: A scan of the phone portion of the 20 Meter Amateur Radio band during the first ten minutes of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field day June 26, 2021. Field day is the biggest Amateur Radio operating event of the year.

Broadcaster: Amateur Radio

Date of recording: 6/26/2021

Starting time: 1800

Frequency: 20 Meters

Reception location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: Single Side Band

First 10 Minutes Of Amateur Radio Field Day 2021 (20 meter band scan): June 26, 2021
Matt Todd

MARS Radio Phone Patch: January 24, 2022

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Audio recording of a MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio Service) of the establishment of a phone patch between a service member and their family member. This was recorded January 24, 2022 at 2148UTC on 13.927 MHz. It was recorded with an SRDplay RSPdx using a wire loop antenna.

Broadcaster: MARS

Date of recording: 1/24/2022

Starting time: 2148

Frequency: 13927

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: Single Side Band

MARS Radio Phone Patch Attempt: January 24, 2022
Matt Todd

Five Hours of the KPH Night of Nights event (Morse Code): July 12, 2019

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Emilio Ruiz, who shares the following recording and notes:

With great emotion I participated in the reception (SWL) of the historic KPH station in the Night of Nights XX event (July 12th 2019)

I hope the recording will be useful for all the enthusiastic friends of the telegraphy and the radio.

Broadcaster: KPH

Date of recording: 7/12/2019

Starting time: 00:01:00

Frequency: 12.695,5 MHz

Location: Chiapas, Mexico (GRID: EK36kp)

Receiver and antenna: Kenwood R-600, antena longwire (10 meters aprox.) earth conection.

Mode: Morse Code

Five Hours of KPH Night of Nights XX event
Emilio Ruiz

Ham radio contact between W2PVF and Argentine Antarctic Station LU1ZE: circa 1974

LU1ZE QSL Card (1).jpg

Many thanks to one of our newest SRAA contributors, Bill Hemphill (WD9EQD), who approached me at the Winter SWL Fest this year noting that he has a wide variety of radio-related audio recordings to share with the SRAA. While many of his recordings are of broadcasts, he also has a number that are of ham radio communications.

This week, Bill shared two fascinating tape recordings he originally acquired from an estate sale.  These recordings were originally made in 1974 by the late Jim Hayward (W2PVF) in Absecon, New Jersey (USA) with two different ham radio stations in Antarctica.

The first recording was posted yesterday. The second recording (below) is between W2PVF and LU1ZE of the Argentine Antarctica Station. The operator at the microphone is W1PV. The recording even includes a phone patch:

Ham radio contact between W2PVF and Argentine Antarctic Station LU1ZE: circa 1974
Bill Hemphill

Ham radio contact between W2PVF and KC4AAC of Palmer Station, Antarctica: circa 1974

Palmer Station (Photo Credit: Ryan Wallace and the USAP)

Palmer Station (Photo Credit: Ryan Wallace and the USAP)

Many thanks to one of our newest SRAA contributors, Bill Hemphill (WD9EQD), who approached me at the Winter SWL Fest this year noting that he has a wide variety of radio-related audio recordings to share with the SRAA. While many of his recordings are of broadcasts, he also has a number that are of ham radio communications.

This week, Bill shared two fascinating tape recordings he originally acquired from an estate sale.  These recordings were originally made in 1974 by the late Jim Hayward (W2PVF) in Absecon, New Jersey (USA) with two different ham radio stations in Antarctica.

This first recording is between W2PVF and KC4AAC of Palmer Station. The audio starts in mid conversation--we will post the second recording tomorrow:

Ham radio contact between W2PVF and KC4AAC of Palmer Station, Antarctica: 1974
Bill Hemphill

Night Of Nights CW (Morse Code) Special Event: July 12, 2015

Chief Operator Richard Dillman at Position 1 (Source: Maritime Radio Historical Society)

Chief Operator Richard Dillman at Position 1 (Source: Maritime Radio Historical Society)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Eric Christensen, who shares this recording of various stations operating on the Night Of Nights Morse Code special event. Eric notes:

Maritime shore stations on the air to remember Morse Code's impact on the world. Unsure of when I started the recording but this contains several maritime shore stations using CW during the Night of Nights 2015. Included in these stations are NMC and WLO, among others.
Location: Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, USA
Receiver and antenna: TS-2000X with an OCF dipole.
Mode: Morse Code
Night Of Nights CW (Morse Code) Special Event: July 12, 2015
Eric Christensen