Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014

Radio Exterior de España received in London, UK, on the frequency of 9620 kHz.  Amigos de la Onda Corta at 0005.  Transmitted at 320 kW from Noblejas, Spain.  Recorded with Tecsun PL-660 and the built-in telescopic antenna.

Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014
London Shortwave

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in English and Pijin, February 5, 2014

SIBC 9545 kHz 0749 UTC 05 February 2014

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation received in Sydney, Australia, on the frequency of 9545 kHz.  Music, talk, and the news in Pijin at 0800.  Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Recorded with the Degen DE1121 and a 40' longwire.

Unidentified station playing Christmas songs on 6115 kHz: 9 December 2014

An unidentified station playing Christmas songs and melodies, recorded 9 December 2014 in Europe at 2252 UTC, shortwave frequency of 6115 kHz, possibly a free radio (pirate) european transmitter, although the power seems to be at least several kWs. Transmitting around the clock, though during the monitoring long periods of fading noticed.

The picure above shows a QSL card of a free radio station from Italy received several years ago and not related to this particular audio file attached to this post.

Unidentified station playing Christmas songs on 6115 kHz: 9 December 2014

beHAVior Night via WBCQ: November 28, 2014

For your listening pleasure: beHAVior Night, a shortwave radio show which showcases music from the first four decades of the 20th Century.

This show was recorded on Friday, November 28, 2014. While beHAVior Night is broadcast all year long via WBCQ, I’m not able to hear them easily at my home during Daylight Savings Time (DST) as the propagation path is not yet open to the south. During the winter months, however, the signal is quite strong as you will hear.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

beHAVior Night via WBCQ: November 28, 2014

Radio Channel 292 & Vatican Radio: November 27, 2014

This is the recording of Radio Channel 292 (presumably; no station ID is given during the programme) and has been recorded 27 November 2014. It started at 0531 GMT. Recorded off the shortwave frequency 6070 kHz (transmitter site: Rohrbach Waal, Germany, 60 Watts of power). At 0630 GMT Vatican Radio started with its 45' transmission of Holy Mass in Latin (Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican City, transmitter site, 250 kW of power). After Radio Vatican ended its transmission, Channel 292 is audible again. Audio seems to be somewhat distorted

Radio Channel 292 & Vatican Radio: November 27, 2014

RTM Wai FM: November 8, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of RTM Wai FM.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 8, 2014 at 1514 UTC on 11665 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.


Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation: March 9, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on March 9, 2014 at 1900 UTC on 5.02 MHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Hargeisa: November 7, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of Radio Hargeisa.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 7, 2014 at 1500 UTC on 7120 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Hargeisa: November 7, 2014

Voice of Tigray Revolution: November 8, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of the Voice of Tigray Revolution.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 8, 2014 at 1736 UTC on 5950 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Voice of Tigray Revolution: November 8, 2014

Pan American BC, English: November 23, 2014

Pan American Broadcasting in English, recorded in Europe on November 23, 2014 at 1400 UTC, shortwave frequency of 15205 kHz (the transmitter site is in Issoudun, France, transmitter power is 100 kW during the first half hour, whereas during the last 15 minutes power is increased to 250 kW)

Pan American Broadcasting, English: November 22, 2014

Global 24 Radio, English: November 22, 2014

Global 24 Radio test transmission in English to Europe, recorded in Europe on November 22, 2014 at 1000 UTC, shortwave frequency of 9465 kHz (the transmitter site is in Bulgaria, transmitter power is 50 kW, direction: 306 deg to WeEu). This recording lasts around 3 hours. During the third hour some transmitter problems occurred.

Global 24 Radio, English: November 22, 2014, 1000 GMT

Global 24 Radio, English: November 22, 2014

Global 24 Radio test transmission in English to Europe, recorded in Europe on November 22, 2014 at 0800 UTC, shortwave frequency of 9465 kHz. According to, the transmitter site is in Bulgaria, transmitter power is 50 kW, direction: 306 deg to WeEu; "Very old soviet transmitter from 1957 year".

Global 24 Radio, English: November 22, 2014

Voice of America, English: November 21, 2014

Voice of America in English recorded in Europe at 0300 UTC from the shortwave frequency of 6080 kHz on November 21, 2014 (Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican City, transmitter site, 250 kW of power). Picture above shows part of the VOA schedule of times & frequencies as of the 90-ties of the XXth century.

Voice of America, English: November 21, 2014