Voice of America (Korean Language Service): circa 2002


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Andy Wang, who shares the following recording and notes:

Frequency: 9.350MHz

Reception location: Shenyang China

Receiver and antenna: MeiDuo Radio Receiver and Casette Recorder CP6941 with antenna on it.

Notes: This is a record of VOA Korean Service on the year 2002, I cannot remember the exact month and day of the record. But I think it is on the second quarter of that year.

The background has serious radio interference from the DPRK.

I do not speak Korean, and I did not invoke machine speech recognition to extract transcriptions. I would like to share, anyone who speaks Korean is welcome to interpret the content of the recording.

Voice of America (Korean Language Service): May 1, 2002
Andy Wang

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia (Frequency Announcement): July 14, 2021

Radio National Amazonia.jpeg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following frequency announcement recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, recorded on 11,780 kHz. The date of the recording is July 14, 2021 (time not noted) and reception location was McGrath, Alaska.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia 11780kHz Frequency Announcement: July 14, 2021
Paul Walker

Vatican Radio (Portuguese Language Service): August 17, 2021


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following recording of Vatican Radio made on August 17, 2021, on 13,380 kHz at 18:00 UTC.

Note that Carlos Latuff, is not only a devoted radio enthusiast, but also a prominent political cartoonist in Brazil and throughout the world. Carlos has kindly included his listening report with his original artwork in the image above. Thank you for sharing, Carlos.

Vatican Radio: August 17, 2021
Carlos Latuff

Voice of Vietnam Interval Signal: July 24, 2021

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Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of the Voice of Vietnam Interval Signal.

This was recorded on 11,885 kHz, July 24, 2021 at 19:00 UTC in McGrath, Alaska.

Voice of Vietnam Interval Signal: July 24, 2021
Paul Walker

Radio Metallica Worldwide (Pirate Radio): July 29, 1997

Panasonic RF-3100 - 1.jpeg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 7/29/1997

Frequency: 6.955

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Mode: AM

Notes: This shortwave pirate broadcaster could be heard well here in Southern Ontario in the late 1990's. They finished each program with their theme song "Secret Agent Man."

Radio Metallica Worldwide (Pirate Radio): July 29, 1997
Dan Greenall