Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972

Radio Netherlands 25 Years.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Srebnick, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a very enjoyable review of the first 25 years of Radio Nederland, hosted by Jerry Cowan. It is the complete broadcast with the news, which at the time was feed via HF from Hilversum to Bonaire. The panel of guests include Bruce Parsons, Neville Gray, as well as the head of the English Department of Radio Nederland, Van Dulken.

It was recorded off air in Queens, NY on 11,730 kHz between 0200-0320 GMT (April 16 GMT). It came from the relay site in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles where RNW had a powerful relay transmitter site. There is some interference but not enough to diminish your enjoyment.

Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep

Kol Yisrael - Missile Attack on Israel on Second Night of Operation Desert Storm: 18 January 1991


Two live, off-air, approximately half-hour recordings of the North American Service of Kol Yisrael, the Voice of Israel, on the second night of the combat phase (Operation Desert Storm) of the First Gulf War, 17/18 January 1991.

The first recording is of the 01:00 UTC broadcast on 18 January on 11605 kHz. The second recording is of the 02:00 UTC broadcast on the same day, initially using the frequency of 11605 kHz but changing to the other two frequencies used, 9435 and 7465 kHz at different times during the recording. The signals originated from 300 or 500 kW transmitters at Yavne, Israel.

At the beginning of the 01:00 UTC broadcast, an announcement is made of a missile attack (from Iraq) and Israeli residents are instructed to move to their prepared closed rooms and to don their gas masks. An extended news bulletin follows. The civil defence instruction is repeated several times during the broadcast. The broadcast, from Jerusalem, included live reports from Tel Aviv. Subsequently, residents are told they can remove their gas masks but should stay in their sealed rooms. The 02:00 UTC broadcast continues the special report including live commentary from both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, including the civil defence information telephone numbers around the country. There is a brief gap in the recording at about the 19m:40s mark due to a tape change. The broadcast concludes with a brief piece of music and the concluding announcement and interval signal.

Reception of the broadcasts was quite good. The 11605 kHz signal was strong with slight radio teletype interference. The 9435 and 7465 kHz frequencies also provided good signals although there was slight hum on one of the frequencies.

These broadcasts were received in Hanwell, New Brunswick, Canada, using a Sony ICF-7600D receiver and supplied wire antenna draped around the listening room.

Kol Yisrael - Missile Attack on Israel During Operation Desert Storm (01:00 UTC): 18 January 1991
Richared Langley
Kol Yisrael - Missile Attack on Israel During Operation Desert Storm (02:00 UTC): 18 January 1991
Richard Langley

Radio Australia (International Report): June 15, 1993


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is the way I remember Radio Australia.

Their signal used to boom into Eastern North America in the late evenings on 17715 and 17795 kHz with a reliable signal during the summer months. This program called International Report was one of my favorites.

Unfortunately I did not record the date and time when I made this recording. But judging from the content is must have been sometime in mid-June 1993. I was probably using my Sony ICF-2001. This program was likely aired around 1200 UTC as this was announced as the Southeast and North Asia Service on 21745, 6080, or 9710 kHz.

Radio Australia (International Report): June 15, 1983
Tom Laskowski

WINB (Unique Radio): November 3, 2018

Unique Radio.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Ian Pillar, who shares the following recording and notes:

A recording of Unique Radio via the facilities of WINB 9265 KHz Red Lion Pennsylvania USA @ 1200 -1240 HRS UTC with programming from Hobart Radio International . I do get a decent WINB signal from time to time which is surprising considering as the main beam hits Eastern Australia and New Zealand and I am on the other side of the country.

I received a very nice email from Tim Gaynor of Unique Radio confirming my reception

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL l 380 with a longwire

WINB (Unique Radio): November 3, 2018
Ian Pillar

RTBF International 621 kHz Final Sign-off: December 31, 2018


Live off-air recording of the final hour or so of programming from the RTBF transmitter on 621 kHz at Wavre, Belgium, on 31 December 2018 beginning just before 18:00 UTC. Although rated at 300 kW, it has been reported that recently the transmitter was operated at a lower power.

The programming on 621 kHz was a combination of selected programs from RTBF's La Première and VivaCité stations and was referred to as RTBF International ("La radio des belges dans le monde") since the signal could be received outside Belgium via the 621 kHz transmitter, and also via C-band satellite, FM in Kinshasa, and via the Internet. These latter distribution modes continue in operation.

After an announcement about the closing of the mediumwave service on 31 December, there is a news bulletin, which is followed by a program in a series about Charles Aznavour. Following that program and the mediumwave closure announcement, there is a news bulletin, the normal evening close-down announcement, and the Belgian national anthem. The transmitter was switched off at about 19:38 UTC.

The broadcast was received by the Web-interface wideband software-defined radio at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, with a "Mini-Whip" antenna in AMSync mode with 5.08 kHz RF filtering. There is some interference from other stations operating on 621 kHz.

RTBF International 621 kHz Final Sign-off: December 31, 2018
Richard Langley