Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014

Radio Exterior de España received in London, UK, on the frequency of 9620 kHz.  Amigos de la Onda Corta at 0005.  Transmitted at 320 kW from Noblejas, Spain.  Recorded with Tecsun PL-660 and the built-in telescopic antenna.

Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014
London Shortwave

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in English and Pijin, February 5, 2014

SIBC 9545 kHz 0749 UTC 05 February 2014

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation received in Sydney, Australia, on the frequency of 9545 kHz.  Music, talk, and the news in Pijin at 0800.  Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Recorded with the Degen DE1121 and a 40' longwire.

Unidentified station playing Christmas songs on 6115 kHz: 9 December 2014

An unidentified station playing Christmas songs and melodies, recorded 9 December 2014 in Europe at 2252 UTC, shortwave frequency of 6115 kHz, possibly a free radio (pirate) european transmitter, although the power seems to be at least several kWs. Transmitting around the clock, though during the monitoring long periods of fading noticed.

The picure above shows a QSL card of a free radio station from Italy received several years ago and not related to this particular audio file attached to this post.

Unidentified station playing Christmas songs on 6115 kHz: 9 December 2014