Radio Österreich 1: Two Recordings, April and November 2008
/Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Radio Österreich 1 from 2008:
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following recording, along with his original artwork (above), and notes:
Opening of Japanese government shortwave radio programs aimed at Japanese citizens abducted by DPRK between 1977 and 1983: "Furusato No Kaze" (in Japanese) and "Nippon No Kaze il bon ue" (in Korean). Broadcasted from a transmitter in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and listened in Florianopolis, Brazil.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bob Purse, curator of the website Inches Per Second, who shares the following recording and notes:
Periodically, I have shared parts of the large collection of shortwave recordings, most of them of Australian programming, which I picked up... somewhere, at some point. I've shared most of it, at this point, but have a few tapes left. I held off on this because the quality is fairly poor, then near the end becomes abysmal, but I thought I should share it, since there is an audience for these recordings. The newscast heard here makes it clear (specifically, the golf results, among other stories) that at least part of this tape is from the second week of March, 1968.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording, images, and notes:
Broadcaster: Radio Santa Cruz Bolivia 1996
Date of recording: November 9, 1996
Frequency: 6.135 MHz
Reception location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada
Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna
Notes: Radio Santa Cruz from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia was heard here in southern Ontario, Canada on occasion when propagation favored a North-South path. This brief Spanish language recording was made on November 9, 1996 on 6135 kHz shortwave around 2300 hours UTC.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Sarah Boucher, who shares the following recording and notes:
Broadcaster: VLR-6
Date of recording: December 03, 1972
Starting time: 14:00
Frequency: 6.15 MHz
Your location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Notes: Nightly sign off of VLR-6 announcement by Mary Adams, followed by the then-national anthem
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