BBC Hausa (Interval Signal): February 7, 2024
/Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording made on February 7, 2024 in McGrath Alaska on 5,975 kHz at 05:21 UTC:
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording made on February 7, 2024 in McGrath Alaska on 5,975 kHz at 05:21 UTC:
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:
Broadcaster: Radio Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1971 (interval signal)
Date of recording: 1971
Frequency: 6.175
Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna
Notes: Southeast Asia was one of the toughest areas to DX in my early years of SWLing from my receiving post in southern Ontario, Canada. Radio Malaysia from Kuala Lumpur on 6175 kHz made it through one morning in 1971 with their interval signal, then a very lengthy pause (about 35 seconds) before announcement in an Asian dialect. The lack of QRM and QRN helped to make this reception possible. For this, I was rewarded with their very attractive QSL card.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:
Broadcaster: HJZW Radio Almirante, Riohacha - Colombia
Date of recording: October 30, 1978
Starting time: 01:17
Frequency: 1.200
Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany
Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, loop antenna
Notes: HJZW R Almirante Riohacha, CLM
QRG: 1200 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany - distance to Riohacha 5.285 mi
Px: S, anns, IDs, Vallenato mx, "Guajira"
SINPO: 24432
Extremely rare recording of that Colombian AM broadcaster - confirmed as 'first time logged in Germany' by our national ADDX association.
The famous 'Alltime DX list' of the 'Medium Wave Circle' contains following entry: "HJBZ Ondas del Riohacha, Riohacha, Colombia (ex
HJZW R Almirante) (not listed in 2020 WRTH) - first log in the UK 11/78; NG" - Hey! My officially confirmed log is from Oct. 1978 :))
Many thanks to Anthony Messina for sharing the following recordings and notes:
Broadcaster: Voice of Korea
Date of recording: January 28, 2024
Starting time: 6pm UTC (1pm EST)
Frequency: 13760khz, 9730khz, 7570khz
Your location: SDR
Your receiver and antenna: KiwiSDR
Mode: AM
Notes: Recorded via an SDR based in Japan. A collection of recent VOK recordings.
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