Radio Clube de Mozambique (Lorenzo Marques Radio): January 1, 1965


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Sarah Boucher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Portuguese language recording of the sign off. The national anthem was probably played before or after the announcement of I don’t know.

Broadcaster: Radio Clube de Mozambique (Lorenzo Marques Radio)

Date of recording: 1/1/1965

Starting time: 22:00

Radio Clube de Mozambique (Lorenzo Marques Radio): January 1, 1965
Sarah Boucher

President Johnson (13 May 1965) VOA

13 May 1965. LBJ speech on Vietnam to a group of American editorial cartoonists. Shortwave coverage from the Voice of America (VOA)

Excerpt from President Johnson's speech. Recorded off-air from the Voice of America (VOA) by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Transcript of speech-

President Johnson (13 May 1965) VOA

Gemini Space Mission (1965)

Excerpt of shortwave broadcast [recorded off air in Australia] of the
Gemini mission into space in March 1965 with Guss Grissom and John Young.

Voice of America (VOA) announcer [in Special English]* describes landing and replays recording of takeoff.

* Special English- VOA has programs in “slow” English for people
learning the language.


Gemini Space Mission (Voice of America) March 23, 1965