VLT4 ABC Radio (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea): May 3, 1971
/QSL courtesY of The Radio Heritage Foundation
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:
"You are tuned to ABC Radio in Papua New Guinea; 9PA, VLT, and VLK..." This is the announcement from VLT4, the Australian Broadcasting Commission station in Port Moresby on 4890 kHz shortwave, on May 3, 1971 at 1100 hours UTC. A musical request program is ending, then station ID as above and into ABC national news. This was before independence in PNG. The station used a 10 kw transmitter on this frequency and could sometimes be heard in eastern North America with a readable signal.
Broadcaster: VLT4 ABC Radio Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
Date of recording: 5/3/1971
Starting time: 1100
Frequency: 4.890
Recption location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna