Radio Spaceshuttle International: September 20, 2015

SRAA contributor, Jim Clary (ND9M/VQ9JC), recorded the following final broadcast of Radio Spaceshuttle International while on board a US Navy ship off the coast of Spain. Jim notes:

I was packing up to leave my ship and return to the USA this week when the latest SWLing Post e-mail showed up with info about SSR's final broadcast literally seven minutes before he was to come on the air. I'd already broken down the receiving gear, but it came back together in record time, and I was able to get the recorder going with a minute before the transmission started.
SSR's signal was a solid S9, which wasn't all that surprising since he's only a few hundred miles from here. 
Radio Spaceshuttle International: September 20, 2015
Jim Clary

Bogusman Radio: May 26, 2014

For your listening pleasure: European pirate radio station, Bogusman Radio.

This recording was submitted by UK-based SRAA contributor, London Shortwave who writes:

"[This is] something I caught on my Lowe HF-150 on May 26 while scanning the 49 meter band. It sounds like a local pirate radio station and it appears that the program was pre-recorded and then left on repeat for that evening (speech and music).
My recording starts at 20:05 UTC on the frequency of 6,305 kHz. I used DX Engineering's NCC-1 Phaser and two Wellbrook antennas to cope with local QRM."
Bogusman Radio: May 26, 2014
London Shortwave

Many thanks to London Shortwave for this contribution to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive. Subscribe to our podcast to download new recordings automatically.

Tip & Elvis Show: May 31, 2014

For your listening pleasure: over two hours of theTip and Elvis Show. This Euro pirate  broadcast was recorded by Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Frank.

Tip and Elvis was broadcasting on 6,220 kHz in AM–you’ll hear some adjacent digital interference, but signal strength is pretty good for (most likely low power) pirate radio. This recording starts around 20:30 GMT on May 31, 2014.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Tip & Elvis Show: May 31, 2014