BBC World Service (Announcing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II): September 8, 2022

Princess Elizabeth circa 1945 (Image Source: Public Domain)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Pavick, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: BBC World Service

Date of recording: 9/8/2022

Starting time: 1600 UTC

Frequency: 12025 kHz

Receiver and antenna: SDR at University of Twente in Holland

Mode: AM

Notes: This is an off-air recording the BBC World Service on Thursday 8 September 2022 from 1600 to 1800 UTC on 12025 khz from the Kranji relay station in Singapore. It is the 90 minutes before the announcement of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, with the news bulletin at about minute 93

BBC World Service (Announcing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II): September 8, 2022
Anthony Pavick

BBC World Service - Queen's Christmas Message: December 25, 2016

Live, off-air, approximately twelve-minute recording of the Queen's Christmas Message, preceded by a news bulletin, as broadcast by the BBC World Service on 25 December 2016 beginning at about 15:00 UTC on a shortwave frequency of 7465 kHz. This broadcast originated from a 250 kW transmitter at Kranji, Singapore, and was beamed to south Asia with an antenna beam azimuth of 320°.    

The recording begins with a station ID and the Greenwich Time Signal and is followed by the usual five-minute news bulletin. Queen Elizabeth II's 2016 Christmas Message to the peoples of the Commonwealth begins at about the six-minute mark in the recording. It concludes with the National Anthem (the Royal Anthem in some Commonwealth countries).  
The broadcast was received by the Web-interface wideband software-defined radio at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, with a "Mini-Whip" antenna in AM mode with 5.08 kHz total bandwidth RF filtering. Reception was excellent with a strong interference-free signal.

BBC World Service - Queen's Christmas Message: December 25, 2016
Richard Langley