Radio Exterior de España: April 13, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of Radio Exterior de España made on Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022 at 2053UTC on 15520kHz. Paul received and recorded this broadcast in McGrath, Alaska.

Radio Exterior de España: April 13, 2022
Paul Walker

Radio Exterior de España: March 26, 2019

REE Towers.jpg

For your listening pleasure: Radio Exterior de España recorded on March 26, 2019 starting at 22:53 UTC on 9.69 MHz. The receiver was a WinRadio Excalibur SDR and the antenna a large horizontal delta loop. This was received and recorded in North Carolina, USA.

Radio Exterior de España: March 26, 2019
Thomas Witherspoon

Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014

Radio Exterior de España received in London, UK, on the frequency of 9620 kHz.  Amigos de la Onda Corta at 0005.  Transmitted at 320 kW from Noblejas, Spain.  Recorded with Tecsun PL-660 and the built-in telescopic antenna.

Radio Exterior de España in Spanish: May 19, 2014
London Shortwave