Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation: July 17, 2016

SIBC 5020 kHz 0934 UTC 17 July 2016

SIBC broadcasting to the Solomon Islands with 10 kw from Honiara. This recording contains music, a feature about how much salt should be in a healthy diet, the news in Pijin (26:09), and then some lovely choral devotional songs. There is some mild adjacent channel noise from Radio Rebelde blasting away on 5025 kHz. Received and recorded with a Degen DE1121 and 40 foot longwire in Sydney, Australia.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in English and Pijin, February 5, 2014

SIBC 9545 kHz 0749 UTC 05 February 2014

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation received in Sydney, Australia, on the frequency of 9545 kHz.  Music, talk, and the news in Pijin at 0800.  Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Recorded with the Degen DE1121 and a 40' longwire.