Shortwave Shindig Rebroadcast: March 7, 2015

Many thanks to Sakae Obara and David Goren for sharing their recordings of the Shortwave Shindig rebroadcast via WRMI 7570 kHz on March 7, 2015 starting at 0300Z.

Shortwave Shindig Rebroadcast: March 7, 2015
Sakae Obara
Shortwave Shindig Rebroadcast March 7, 2015
David Goren

Shortwaveology #2 now on SoundCloud

Radio producer and shortwave radio artist, David Goren, has recently posted his 2008 production of Shortwaveology #2 on Soundcloud. If you like the sonic texture of the shortwaves, you'll love this recording:

Perhaps if we badger David enough--say, on his Facebook page, or on his Soundcloud feed--he'll produce Shortwaveology #3? Hey, it's worth a try!

Wait a minute.  You haven't heard Shortwaveology #1? Take a listen:

In the spirit of full disclosure, David's a good friend. That is, he will be, until he figures out that I'm asking readers to heckle him into producing another installment of his ongoing work, Shortwaveology. Oh, what the heck; friends come along every day, Shortwave installments don't.  Let's hound him! (Whatcha waiting for, David?)

David Goren's numbers station installation audio

DG-Performance-ShortwaveTwo months ago, I posted that David Goren, talented radio producer and shortwave radio artist, created a Numbers Station installation in the Secret Wars exhibition at the Proteus Gowanus gallery in Brooklyn, NY. David has recently published the audio that accompanies his installation.

Take note that this is not a radio documentary--rather, it's an expansion of his original piece, and part of his sound installation at Proteus Gowanus.  Enjoy: