Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation: September 11, 2014

Sri Lanka as viewed from the International Space Station (source: NASA)

Sri Lanka as viewed from the International Space Station (source: NASA)

For your listening pleasure: forty three minutes of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation.

I recorded this broadcast of Sri Lanka BC around 01:15 UTC on Sept 11, 2014 on 11,905 kHz. Sri Lanka BC is not an easy broadcaster to receive in eastern North America, but band conditions on the 11th were particularly favorable in the higher bands. As you’ll hear in the recording, their 125 kW signal out of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka was reasonably strong; I used my WinRadio Excalibur receiver and external multi-band horizontal delta loop antenna.

Indeed, looking through the archives, this may be the first time I've recorded Sri Lanka BC.

Click here to download the full recording of Sri Lanka BC, or simply listen via the embedded player below:
