Voice of Korea: April 30, 2018


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Mark Fahey, who shares the following recording of the Voice of Korea English language service covering the Panmunjom Summit. This recording was made on April 30, 2018, starting at 06:30 UTC on 9730 kHz.

Mark writes:

An off-air shortwave recording of North Korea's External Radio Service - The Voice of Korea - Announcing the visit and activities of Kim Jong Un during his historic visit to Panmunjom. The broadcast also includes a full reading of the Panmunjom Declaration.
Recorded at the "Behind The Curtain" remote satellite and HF receiving site near Taipei, Taiwan (the site is remotely operated from Freemans Reach in Australia and was specifically established to monitor North Korean radio & television 24x7).
Voice of Korea – Panmunjom Summit: April 30, 2018
Mark Fahey