Cuban Numbers Station HM01


On occasion, I hear the Cuban numbers stationHM01 on 5,855 kHz on weekday mornings.

It seems that many of the mornings as I listen, I hear HM01 making mistakes or at least experiencing “technical difficulties” (click here for a recent case in point).

Though I don’t often record HM01, I did record it on the morning of September 20, 2013––and, yet again, I heard what seemed to be HM01 tripping over its own tongue.

Instead of the broadcast starting with numbers to identify the transmission, then implementing intermittent RDFT data bursts as per usual, this broadcast begins in the middle of a data burst, then shuffles awkwardly into a “normal” broadcast.  I imagine an operative in the field scratching his or herhead…

But hear this for yourself.  Either click here to download an MP3 of the recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Cuban Numbers Station HM01: September 20, 2013