XFM: November 1, 2015

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Michael Fortner, who notes:

Pirate radio broadcaster Radio XFM on 6.975 MHz on Halloween Night, 2015, 0040 to 0317 UTC (Nov 1st, UTC) as received in Stockbridge, Georgia.  The equipment used was an Icom IC-7200 transceiver using a 60 foot end-fed horizontal antenna.   For the first minute of the recording I was switching back and forth between the horizontal antenna and a 25 foot vertical antenna, and trying out different audio bandwidths to improve reception.  I finally settled on the end-fed and a 8000kz bandwidth.  Conditions were interesting, with some fading and static from time to time.  
At 21:12 into the recording he talks about my emailed reception report, so that was cool.  Total time for this recording is 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 40 seconds (156:40).
XFM: November 1, 2015
Michael Fortner