Voice of Korea, English: August 17, 2014

North Korea Propaganda Poster

North Korea Propaganda Poster

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Andre Bagley, who submits this recent recording of the Voice of Korea. Andre writes:

"Voice Of Korea is the international radio service of North Korea (officially known as the Democratic Republic of Korea). Most broadcasts of Voice Of Korea only have one or two stories that are either anti-American, anti-South Korean, or ant-Japanese. However, this particular broadcast's news segment seems to be solely dedicated to insulting it's enemies. Here we have North Korean commentary on the current Israel-Hamas conflict on the Gaza Strip, where the United States is blamed for the mess in their report. South Korea is declared a "colony" of the United States, and much more!

The program follows the exact same format for every broadcast:

:00 Opening signal, station identification: “This is Voice of Korea”

:01 National Anthem

:03 Song of General Kim Il Sung

:06 Song of General Kim Jong Il

:09 News, editorials (approx 15 minutes, but can be extended to full broadcast), followed by music

:30 Reminiscences of Great Leader President Kim Il Sung

:40 Music and features

:50 Editorial, special message (occasional)

:55 Frequency information

:57 Close

The broadcast was recorded using a Olympus VN-702 voice recorder hooked up to a Tecsun PL-600 Shortwave receiver using a random wire antenna. Broadcast was received on 11710 khz between1500-1557 UTC."

Click here to download as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Voice of Korea
Andre Bagley