Radio Moscow (Jan.1970)
/Radio Moscow (shortwave) January 1970.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
(Sound fair)
Radio Moscow (shortwave) January 1970.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
(Sound fair)
VOA (Tuesday March 31,1981)
Voice of America (shortwave) 9670khz. 0600 GMT.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Other broadcasts on this topic-
13 May 1965. LBJ speech on Vietnam to a group of American editorial cartoonists. Shortwave coverage from the Voice of America (VOA)
Excerpt from President Johnson's speech. Recorded off-air from the Voice of America (VOA) by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Transcript of speech-
14 Dec. 1981 Radio Moscow 12.00 GMT 17860khz
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
Other broadcasts on this topic-
22 Oct. 1997
Shortwave from Libya as recorded in Australia.
Ian Holder: "I recorded this shortwave broadcast from Libya in 1997. I have no knowledge of the source of the broadcast but it may be from the main Libyan radio service. I found this while twisting the dial. There was no general commentary, just the voice of South African President Nelson Mandela on his arrival in Libya followed by music".
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Australia.
Other broadcasts on this topic-
3 October, 1990 [i.e. 4 October East Australian Time]
BBC News & News Hour. (2200-13.30 GMT-15140khz) The program contains news of the first day of a unified Germany and Saddam Hussein's visit to Kuwait.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Radio Berlin International (1400 GMT- 21465khz). Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
Other broadcasts on this topic-
Excerpt of shortwave broadcast [recorded off air in Australia] of the
Gemini mission into space in March 1965 with Guss Grissom and John Young.
Voice of America (VOA) announcer [in Special English]* describes landing and replays recording of takeoff.
* Special English- VOA has programs in “slow” English for people
learning the language.
Radio Peking- statement on nuclear explosion to mark the 20th
Anniversary celebrations of the Communist Party of China. Broadcast 7.40pm (East Australian Time) Sunday, October 5, 1969.
Radio Peking recorded off air in Brisbane, Australia by Ian Holder
Death of Golda Meir
Israel Radio from Jerusalem (shortwave).
20.00- 20.30 GMT Saturday 9 Sept 1978
(Sunday Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Information on Golda Meir-
Channel Africa- South African Elections
3 June 1999 15215 khz shortwave
4pm Eastern Standard Time- Australia
(0600 GMT)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Australia
Information on the South African Election 1999
which saw Thabo Mbeke succeed Nelson Mandela-,,205166,00.html
Radio Peking broadcast (Friday 3 October 1969) commemorating the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949. Recorded from shortwave by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
(Sound quality- fair)
Live from Radio Moscow- October Anniversary Parade
(Friday 7 Nov. 1969) 07.00 GMT. 16 metres.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
(Sound quality- fair)
Radio Peking- Sunday April 26, 1970
09-30 GMT. 19 metres
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder,
Brisbane, Australia.
China's first satellite information-
Other broadcasts-
Other broadcasts-
Shortwave broadcast from Radio Japan to Australia.
Sunday 22 March 1970 between 10-00 and 11-00 GMT.
17855 khz
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder,
Brisbane, Australia
Other broadcasts-
Israel Radio (shortwave coverage).
12.00- 12-30 GMT/ 15485 khz/
Sunday 20 November 1977 (Australian Time)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder,
Brisbane, Australia
Information on the Sadat/Israel visit (1977)-
Other broadcasts-
Shortwave broadcast recorded off-air by
Ian Holder, Queensland, Australia.
King Hussein of Jordan's funeral (BBC World Service) (8 Feb1999)
Other broadcasts on this topic-
Daily coverage of the Hong Kong Handover between Britain and China in 1997.
The broadcasts are mainly from China Radio International (CRI) which was previously Radio Peking/Beijing.
Other broadcasts are from the BBC World Service and Radio Singapore International.
Intros and off-air recording by Ian Holder, Australia.
Information on the Hong Kong Handover-
Fall of the Berlin Wall
(Shortwave broadcast 11 Nov. 1989)
BBC News (11-00 GMT. 15360 khz)
Other broadcasts on the Berlin Wall can be found
at this site-
Voice of America shortwave coverage of the landing of
an unmanned spacecraft (Viking 1) on Mars.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
Viking 1 (1976) information-
Other broadcasts-
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