Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Voice of America studio quality recording of shortwave coverage of Apollo 11. Starts with newscast on the status of Soviet Luna 2 orbiter that was also sent to the moon, Egyptian-Israel conflict at the Suez Canal, Organization of American States call for a cease fire between El Salvador and Honduras, entire cabinet in South Vietnam resigns, American air attacks against the Viet Cong, etc. Followed by latest updates on Apollo 11 (lunar module is on the moon), international reaction to landing on the moon, etc.

Date of recording: 7/20/1969

Starting time: 1730 UTC

Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969
Tom Gavaras

Russ Edmunds’ Mediumwave Airchecks: 1969 - 1978


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Russ Edmunds (WB2BJH), for sharing this collection of mediumwave airchecks dating from 1969 to 1978. (Click here to check out all of Russ’ contributions.)

If you’ve subscribed to the SRAA podcast, you might only automatically download the first of these recordings. I would encourage you to view and listen to all 29 recordings on this dedicated Shortwave Radio Audio Archive post.

Click here to download a spreadsheet with full details of each clip.

TIOS 825 kHz: October 05, 1969
TGJ 880 kHz: October 5, 1969
XEMO 860 kHz: January 12, 1970
CFCN 1060 kHz: January 26, 1970
XERCN 1110 kHz: February 23, 1970
BBC 1214 kHz: February 23, 1970
HIJB 830 kHz: March 2, 1970
KKHI 1150 kHz: April 06, 1970
KFBK 1530 kHz: April 6, 1970
HJCK 1160 kHz: April 14, 1970
YVOZ 1200 kHz: April 20, 1970
HRVW 1172 kHz: April 22, 1970
CMJY 860 kHz: April 20, 1970
XERH 1500 kHz: October 15, 1970
PJD2 1295 kHz: October 18, 1970
YVMF 1120 kHz: December 1, 1970
HRTV 715 kHz: September 30, 1971
PRE3 1180 kHz: October 24, 1971
XEMP 710 kHz: December 6, 1971
KSVC 980 kHz: December 6, 1971
HJES 980 kHz: December 20, 1971
KRDS 1190 kHz: January 10, 1972
KLIF 1190 kHz: January 10, 1972
KKIM 1000 kHz: February 19, 1973
HJHN 960 kHz: April 13, 1973
HIAU 1241.5 kHz: November 15, 1974
KKAA 1560 kHz: December 03, 1974
CFCY 630 kHz: February 3, 1975
KRZI 1580 kHz: March 3, 1978
KCTA 1030 kHz: December 3, 1978

Voice of Biafra: September 8, 1969

Realistic DX-150.jpg

Many thanks to both Dan Robinson and Jerry Berg who made me aware of this excellent--extremely rare--recording of the Voice of Biafra.

This broadcast was recorded by Al Sizer in North Haven, CT, on September 8, 1969 on 6,145 kHz starting at 2140 GMT. The receiver used was a Realistic DX-150. Mr. Sizer introduces the recording:

Voice of Biafra: September 8, 1969
Al Sizer

Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan. 1969)

Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan. 1969)

Shortwave broadcast from the Voice of Vietnam in Hanoi
(Monday 27 Jan. 1969).

- Music
- Woman announcer reads names of captured American GI’s
- Music
- Announcer talks of conditions of captured GI’s
- Music
- Comments from captured American GI’s
- Announcer reads out the names of captured GI’s and comments
  from GI’s themselves
- Music
- Announcer reads out names of GI casualties

Sound quality- fair

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan.1969)

Radio Peking: 20th Anniversary nuclear bomb (October 3, 1969)


Radio Peking- statement on nuclear explosion to mark the 20th
Anniversary celebrations of the Communist Party of China. Broadcast 7.40pm (East Australian Time) Sunday, October 5, 1969.

Radio Peking recorded off air in Brisbane, Australia by Ian Holder

Radio Peking- 20th Anniversary nuclear bomb (Oct3.1969)

20th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China (3 October 1969)


Radio Peking broadcast (Friday 3 October 1969) commemorating the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949. Recorded from shortwave by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.

(Sound quality- fair)

Radio Peking- 20th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China (Friday 3 Oct.1969)

KOL Israel: February 26, 1969

This 1969 recording of Kol Israel comes from contributor, Greg Barman, who writes:

Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol (Source: Wikipedia)

Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol (Source: Wikipedia)

"Shortwave listening was an active hobby in my youth and I have a few recording from that time. This was part of a series of experimental shortwave broadcasts from Kol Israel directed to the US and Canada. Reception quality at my location in the Chicago suburbs was generally good. This broadcast includes news about the death of Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol."

Greg used his Knight-Kit Star Roamer receiver with an outdoor long wire antenna.

This recording was made on February 26, 1969 at 04:00 GMT on 9,009 kHz, received and
recorded in Evanston, IL. 

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

KOL Israel
Greg Barman