Japan- China Treaty (1972)

(Fri. Sept. 29, 1972)

01. Radio Peking 08-30 GMT 19 metres
02. Radio Japan 09-30 GMT 25 metres

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Information on the Japan- China Treaty-

Death of Lord Louis Mountbatten (1979)

BBC World Service (August 28, 1979)

All India Radio (August 28, 1979)

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Information on the life and death of Louis Mountbatten-


Other broadcasts on this topic-


15th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution (1974)-Radio Havana Cuba


01. Speech by Fidel Castro (in Spanish) on the 15th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Originally delivered January 2, 1974. Broadcast January 10, 1974- 0420GMT- 11.840khz.

02. English summary of Castro’s speech January 11, 1974. 20.55 GMT- 15.140khz

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.


The Russian Invasion of Afghanistan (1980)

01.U.N.Radio-Security Council (Jan7,1980)
United Nations Radio- Security Council. 15410 khz.
20-30 GMT (i.e. 6-30 am Jan 8, 1980 East Australian Time)

02.Radio Peking (Jan 8,1980)
Commentary from Radio Peking. 20-30 GMT. 25 Metre Band.
(i.e. 6-30 am. 9 Jan 1980 East Australian Time)

03.U.N.Radio-General Assembly (January 14,1980)
U.N. Radio- Debate in the General Assembly. 15410 khz.
20-25 GMT (i.e. 6-25 am. 15 Jan 1980 East Australian Time)

Off-air recordings and intros by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Information on the history of United Nations Radio-


Other broadcasts on this topic-


President Johnson (13 May 1965) VOA

13 May 1965. LBJ speech on Vietnam to a group of American editorial cartoonists. Shortwave coverage from the Voice of America (VOA)

Excerpt from President Johnson's speech. Recorded off-air from the Voice of America (VOA) by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Transcript of speech-

Nelson Mandela Arrives in Libya

22 Oct. 1997
Shortwave from Libya as recorded in Australia.

Ian Holder: "I recorded this shortwave broadcast from Libya in 1997. I have no knowledge of the source of the broadcast but it may be from the main Libyan radio service. I found this while twisting the dial. There was no general commentary, just the voice of South African President Nelson Mandela on his arrival in Libya followed by music".

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Australia.

Other broadcasts on this topic-


Gemini Space Mission (1965)

Excerpt of shortwave broadcast [recorded off air in Australia] of the
Gemini mission into space in March 1965 with Guss Grissom and John Young.

Voice of America (VOA) announcer [in Special English]* describes landing and replays recording of takeoff.

* Special English- VOA has programs in “slow” English for people
learning the language.
