Radio Revival (Sweden) relays: March 22, 2015

Radio Revival Sweden, recorded in Europe on March 22, 2015, at 0728-1500 UTC (regular programming starts at 0800 UTC), shortwave frequency of 9865 kHz (Sala transmitter site, transmitter power: 10 kW)

Transmission schedule on Sunday, March 22 2015

0800-0900 UTC European Music Radio 6035 kHz 5 kW AM, 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
0900-1000 UTC Atlantic 2000 International 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
1000-1100 UTC Radio City 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
1100-1200 UTC Radio Nord Revival 6035 kHz 5 kW AM, 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
1200-1300 UTC The Ronny B Goode Show 6035 kHz 5 kW AM, 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
1300-1400 UTC Hit! with DJ PeeWee 6035 kHz 5 kW AM, 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H
1400-1500 UTC European Music Radio 9865 kHz 10 kW A3H

Radio Bahrain: March 15, 2015

Sunday, my buddy (and SRAA contributor) Dan Robinson, posted a tip on the Extreme Shortwave Listening Facebook page that Radio Bahrain was audible in the Eastern USA.

I quickly tuned to 9745 kHz and, sure enough–though weak–the Radio Bahrain signal could be heard over the noise floor. Radio Bahrain is not the easiest catch in my part of the world–especially with propagation conditions being less than favorable as of late–so I made a recording.

This recording was made on 9745 kHz starting at 23:15 UTC on March 15, 2015. I used my WinRadio Excalibur which was already on and connected to my horizontal delta loop antenna. Click here to download as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Radio Australia: March 13, 2015 - Cyclone Pam coverage

The following is a four hour recording of Radio Australia made on March 13, 2015, beginning at 1150 UTC on 9,580 kHz. You will note that much attention was given to coverage of Cyclone Pam which was a category 5 storm bearing down on Vanuatu at the time.

This recording was made in North Carolina, USA with the SDRplay RSP using the HDSDR application--the antenna was a large horizontal delta loop.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in Pijin: March 11, 2015

The remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes of the special overnight broadcast during the cyclone.  Ends with the "Morning Devotion".  Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Received in Sydney, Australia, with a Grundig S450DLX and an indoor homebrew broomstick antenna.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in Pijin: March 11, 2015

Special coverage of Tropical Cyclone Pam and the damage it has caused in the Solomons.  They usually sign off at 1200 and resume at 1900 but they stayed on all night to cover the cyclone.   Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Received in Sydney, Australia, using a Degen DE1103 and 40' longwire.

Radio Canada International: Final broadcast, June 24, 2012

QSL courtesy of @UKDXer

QSL courtesy of @UKDXer

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Rajdeep Das for this recording of Radio Canada International's final shortwave radio broadcast. This recording was made on June 24, 2012 beginning at 1550 UTC on 11,675 kHz. 

Listeners will note that the broadcast ends abruptly during the mailbag program--obviously the transmitters were turned off prematurely.

Shortwave Shindig: February 28, 2015

Many thanks to those of you who recorded the Shortwave Shindig live from the Winter SWL Fest in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, USA on February 28, 2015. The broadcast began around 0300 UTC (10:00 PM EST) on 7570 kHz. You will note that the time extended beyond one hour--this was due to a 10 minute period of time when the audio feed dropped due to a bad Internet connection. 

The Shindig will be rebroadcast on March 8 2015 at 0300 UTC on 7570 kHz without interruption.

I've labeled the embedded recording below with the contributor and location where the recording was made.  Again, many thanks for your contributions to the archive!

Richard Langley made the following recording and also decoded the embedded graphic. 

Radio Ethiopia: November 17, 2008

The following recording of Radio Ethiopia was made on November 17, 2008 on 9,704.18 kHz, beginning around 2040 UTC.

This off air recording comes from a collection of archived recordings by SWAA contributor, Terry Wilson. 

Terry made this and all of his recordings in the Midwestern US on either the Ten-Tec RX-320D or Eton E1XM receivers. He used the recording facility of the Shortwave Log software.  Terry notes that any "QRM includes city power lines, street lights with bad ballasts, household electronics, and interference from Radio Havana Cuba."

Many thanks for sharing these recordings, Terry! For more recordings from this collection, simply follow this tag: Terry Wilson.

You can listen to the full recording below, or download as an MP3 with the link provided.