Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 14 (and other headlines): December 23, 1977


Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the eighth recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 13: December 22, 1977


Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the seventh recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 12: December 21, 1977

Radio-Dial-2-e1480988790507 (1).jpg

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the sixth recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Radio Budapest: August 20, 2004

Radio Budapest  QSL1979.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Benjamin Bilyeu, who shares the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 8/20/2004
Starting time: 0230 UTC
Frequency: 9.790 MHz
Receiver location: Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 800 with 50 foot long wire outdoor antenna

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 11 (EVA): December 20, 1977


Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the fifth recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal (Flanders International Radio): June 24, 2004


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Benjamin Bilyeu, who shares the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 6/24/2004
Starting time: 2200 UTC
Frequency: 11.635 Mhz
Receiver location: Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 800 with 50 foot long wire outdoor antenna

Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), English: June 24, 2004


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Benjamin Bilyeu, who shares the following recording and notes:

A recording I made of RAI (Italy) broadcast 0054 UTC 24 June 2004 on 11.800 Mhz--when they still broadcast to North America. I recorded this broadcast using a Sony dual cassette deck connected to the line out jacks of my Grundig Satellit 800 receiver with 50 foot outdoor longwire antenna.

Radio RSA - The Voice of South Africa: March 14, 1982


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

Every Saturday night during the early 1980s [in South Bend, Indiana] I would regularly tune to 9580 kHz at 0200 to listen to Radio RSA (Channel Africa as it is now known) to hear DX Corner, their regular DX program. This episode from March 14, 1982 was a look at the brand new hot radio, the Sony ICF-2001. The audio isn't great but should be listenable. I think this was recorded using my new Realistic DX-302. Enjoy!

Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) English language service: September 22, 2017

Tehran, Iran

Tehran, Iran

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording and notes:

IRIB recorded on September 22, 2017 at 1930 UTC on 9810 kHz. Receiver used was a JRC NRD 535D, 25 ft long by 10 ft tall volleyball net magnetic loop antenna connected to an ALA100ln, DXEngineering HF preamp and Emtech ZM2 antenna tuner.

Night Of Nights CW (Morse Code) Special Event: July 12, 2015

Chief Operator Richard Dillman at Position 1 (Source: Maritime Radio Historical Society)

Chief Operator Richard Dillman at Position 1 (Source: Maritime Radio Historical Society)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Eric Christensen, who shares this recording of various stations operating on the Night Of Nights Morse Code special event. Eric notes:

Maritime shore stations on the air to remember Morse Code's impact on the world. Unsure of when I started the recording but this contains several maritime shore stations using CW during the Night of Nights 2015. Included in these stations are NMC and WLO, among others.
Location: Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, USA
Receiver and antenna: TS-2000X with an OCF dipole.
Mode: Morse Code

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 10: December 19, 1977

Soyuz 26.jpg

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the fourth recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Voice of Vietnam (Vietnamese): September 18, 2017


Voice of Vietnam in Vietnamese language, recorded outdoors in London, UK on September 18, 2017 at 1700 UTC on the frequency of 7280 kHz using AirSpy, SpyVerter, SDR# software and a 2 x 6m long wire dipole antenna. The transmitter has a power rating of 100 kW and is located in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Voice of Turkey, German Language Service: September 10, 2017


For your listening pleasure, The Voice of Turkey's German language service, recorded on September 10, 2017 starting at 2300 UTC on 9830 kHz. I believe this broadcast was in error--typically, the German language service is not broadcast at this time. 

This recording includes a few minutes of the VOT interval signal. 

I recorded this with a WinRadio Excalibur SDR hooked up to a large horizontal delta loop antenna.

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 09: December 18, 1977

The Soyuz-26 and Soyuz-28 crews aboard the Salyut-6 station

The Soyuz-26 and Soyuz-28 crews aboard the Salyut-6 station

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the third recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.

Radio Enciclopedia: August 8, 2017

Radio Enciclopedia, logo 1.jpg

Live, off-air, one-and-a-half-hour excerpt of an almost four-hour recording of Radio Cubana's AM radio station CMBQ, Radio Enciclopedia, Havana, Cuba, on 8 August 2017 beginning at about 18:30 UTC. The station operates on an frequency of 530 kHz from a transmitter in the Villa María area of Havana with a power of 10 kW and an omnidirectional antenna.

The transmission was received on a Tecsun PL-880 receiver with its built-in ferrite-bar-loop antenna in Naples, Florida, in AM mode with 5 kHz RF filtering. Reception was fairly good although there was co-channel interference from a Radio Rebelde transmitter in Caribe on Isla de la Juventud, which is in the same direction as Havana as seen from Naples.

Radio Enciclopedia is an easy-listening music station with pieces interspersed with music descriptions and brief encyclopedic tidbits read by female announcers.

The recorded program is "La Tarde Contigo."

Radio Cairo, English Language Service: September 10, 2017

Egypt Map.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Cairo from 2200-2245 UTC on 9,800 kHz September 10, 2017
Receiver used was a JRC NRD 535D, 25 ft long by 10 ft tall volleyball net magnetic loop antenna connected to an ALA100ln, DXEngineering HF preamp and Emtech ZM2 antenna tuner.

Just Right via Channel 292 in English: 7 September 2017


"Just Right" programme broadcasting via Channel 292 in English, recorded on September 7, 2017 at 1800 GMT in Europe (using Twente web SDR receiver located in the Netherlands). Shortwave frequency of 6070 kHz. Transmitter location: Germany, transmitter power: 8 kW. In fact, the actual timing of start of transmissions in Europe is 1800 UTC, not 2100 UTC as the Just Right website shows.