RAI - Bollettino del Mare (Maritime Weather Forecast): 1997


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Andrea Borgnino, who shares this studio recording from RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana) of their maritime weather forecast. This recording was originally made in 1997:

RAI - Bollettino del Mare (Maritime Weather Forecast): 1997
Andrea Borgnino

Radiotelevisione italiana (RAI) final shortwave broadcast: September 30, 2007


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Andrea Borgnino, who shares the following off-air recording clips of the final shortwave broadcasts from Radiotelevisione italiana (RAI): 

15380 kHz 6:30 pm UTC 30 September 2007 - Program for North America in Italian:

Interval Signal and introduction to final broadcast of RAI International 15380, 30 SEP 2007
Andrea Borgnino

15380 kHz 18:40 UTC 30 September 2007 - Announcement of short wave broadcasts ending.

Announcement of the end of shortwave broadcasts from RAI International 15380, 30 SEP 2007
Andrea Borgnino

RAI - Bollettino del Mare (Maritime Weather Forecast): 1977


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Andrea Borgnino, who shares this studio recording from RAI (Radiotelevisione italiana) of their maritime weather forecast. This recording was originally made in 1977:

Bollettino del Mare (Italian): 1977
Andrea Borgnino

Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), English: June 24, 2004


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Benjamin Bilyeu, who shares the following recording and notes:

A recording I made of RAI (Italy) broadcast 0054 UTC 24 June 2004 on 11.800 Mhz--when they still broadcast to North America. I recorded this broadcast using a Sony dual cassette deck connected to the line out jacks of my Grundig Satellit 800 receiver with 50 foot outdoor longwire antenna.
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), English: June 24, 2004
Benjamin Bilyeu

Radio Argentina Exterior: January 20, 2013


For your listening pleasure: 35 minutes of Radio Argentina Exterior. This broadcast was recorded on January 20, 2014 around 9:45 UTC on 15,345 kHz. 

In this recording, you'll hear ten plus minutes of various RAI interval signals before their Chinese language service begins. 

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Radio Argentina Exterior, Interval Signal and Chinese Language Service: January 20, 2013