Radio Veritas Asia (Quezon City, Philippines): September 28, 1999

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Veritas Asia, Quezon City, Philippines

Date of recording: September 28, 1999

Starting time: 1200 UTC

Frequency: 9.505 MHz

Reception location: Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Drake SW-8 and a very long wire antenna

Notes: Here is Radio Veritas Asia in Quezon City, Philippines as recorded at a DX camp in Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada on September 28, 1999. Part of their interval signal is heard along with a station ID in English. They give their frequency as 9505 kHz and the time as 1200 UTC.

Radio Veritas Asia (Quezon City, Philippines): September 28, 1999
Dan Greenall

Radio Alma Ata (Kazakh S.S.R.): Circa 1971

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Alma Ata, Kazakh S.S.R. 1971

Frequency: 9,380 kHz

Recption location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Here is the interval signal and sign on announcement from Radio Alma Ata in Kazakhstan as heard in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada in 1971. They were on 9380 kHz and I was listening on a Hallicrafters S-52 receiver hooked up to an outdoor long wire antenna. Just using an open mike placed in front of the speaker and appears the mike was shut off briefly between the interval signal and the voice announcement.

Radio Alma Ata (Kazakh S.S.R.): Circa 1971
Dan Greenall

Radio Japan (Interval Signal): Circa 1970

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

The majority of my vintage shortwave recordings are unfortunately quite brief. This is mostly due to the fact that they were only kept as "proof" of reception and not generally for program content.

I can still remember the thrill of hearing Radio Japan in Tokyo for the first time back in 1970. I used to pick them up on 9505 kHz shortwave around dawn local time here in southern Ontario, Canada. This is a recording of their interval signal with bilingual announcement played just prior to sign on.

Broadcaster: Radio Japan 1970 interval signal

Frequency: 9.505 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Radio Japan (Interval Signal): Circa 1970
Dan Greenall

Voice Of Armenia (Interval Signal): Circa 1999

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: The Voice of Armenia, Yerevan circa 1999

Frequency: 9.965 MHz

Reception location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Notes: Here is a recording I made of the Voice of Armenia from Yerevan with their interval signal and multi-lingual ID's circa 1999. Somehow, this country managed to elude me in the 1970's and 80's.

Voice Of Armenia (Interval Signal): Circa 1999
Dan Greenall

Radio Prague Interval Signals: Circa 1970 and 1999

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Prague: 1970 and 1999

Frequency: 7.345 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster and Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 and Drake SW-8 using a longwire antenna


Here is a brief recording of Radio Prague in Czechoslovakia circa 1970. They are heard with their interval signal and announcement in English. The frequency was 7345 kHz.

Radio Prague (Interval Signal): Circa 1970
Dan Greenall

The second recording was made June 22, 1999 at 1727 hours UTC on 21745 kHz, with their interval signal and multi-lingual ID's, as the external service of Czech Radio.

Radio Prague (Interval Signal): Circa 1999
Dan Greenall

In 1970, I received a beautiful cloth bookmark from Radio Prague, and I gave it to my mother as she liked to read, and I felt it would be a way to include her in my newfound hobby of shortwave listening. She used it for the next 46 years, and I recovered it in 2016 after her passing, still in amazingly good condition.

Radio Malaysia (Interval Signal): Circa 1971

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1971 (interval signal)

Date of recording: 1971

Frequency: 6.175

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Southeast Asia was one of the toughest areas to DX in my early years of SWLing from my receiving post in southern Ontario, Canada. Radio Malaysia from Kuala Lumpur on 6175 kHz made it through one morning in 1971 with their interval signal, then a very lengthy pause (about 35 seconds) before announcement in an Asian dialect. The lack of QRM and QRN helped to make this reception possible. For this, I was rewarded with their very attractive QSL card.

Radio Malaysia (Interval Signal): Circa 1971
Dan Greenall

USSR Shortwave Broadcasters: Circa 1970's

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: USSR shortwave broadcasters 1970's

Frequency: various

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Around 1970, there were other stations in the Soviet Union (USSR) that could be found on the shortwaves besides Radio Moscow. Programming on most of these outlets was all in Russian.

Radiostansiya Rodina (Homeland) is heard here with their interval signal and identification in Russian sometime in 1971. Shortwave frequency was likely 7100 kHz.

Radiostansiya Rodina: 1971
Dan Greenall

Radiostansiya Atlantika broadcast to the Soviet fishing fleet circa 1970.

Radiostansiya Atlantika: 1970
Dan Greenall

Radiostansiya Mayak (lighthouse) could also be heard on various frequencies during the early 1970's.

Radio Mayak: Circa 1970s
Dan Greenall

Radio Station Peace and Progress, the Voice of Soviet Public Opinion, had some English language programs.

Radio Station Peace and Progress: Circa 1970s
Dan Greenall
Radio Station Peace and Progress Interval Signal
Dan Greenall

Radio Denmark Interval Signal: circa 1970

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Denmark

Date of recording: 1970

Frequency: 15.165 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Here is Radio Denmark on 15165 kHz shortwave as recorded in 1970. Their interval signal is heard followed by announcement in English, then identification in Danish. Sadly, for most North American listeners, all of their programming was also in Danish in 1970.

Radio Denmark Interval Signal: circa 1970
Dan Greenall

Radio Canada (SWL Digest) Interval Signal Series: Circa 1970s

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Canada International Interval Signal Series 1970's

Date of recording: Circa 1970s

Frequency: 9.625 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 or Realistic DX-150A and a longwire antenna

Notes: Back in the early 1970s, Radio Canada International ran a very popular interval signal series on their SWL Digest program. This was hopefully to help DXer's identify that sought after station. I recall recording a few of these programs, and while going over one of my old cassette tapes recently, I came across a segment where they were presenting a number of African interval signals. Subsequently, I have uncovered five additional segments, or at least, portions of them. As these were originally recorded with an open mike to the speaker of the receiver, some room noise (voices) may be detected, as well as small amounts of unedited material near the ends of some of the segments. These were recorded at Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, likely on 9625 kHz.

RCI Interval Series: Europe
Dan Greenall
RCI Interval Series: Asia Pacific
Dan Greenall
RCI Interval Series: Middle East
Dan Greenall
RCI Interval Series: Africa
Dan Greenall
RCI Americas
RCI Interval Series: Asia
Dan Greenall

Radio Korea (Interval Signal): Circa 1983

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Korea, Seoul

Frequency: 15.575 MHz

Reception location: Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Notes: Here is the interval signal of Radio Korea in Seoul as received in Brantford, Ontario, Canada circa 1983 on 15575 kHz shortwave. Bilingual identifications are heard followed by sign on in English. I was always happy to hear a strong clear signal from that part of the world.

Radio Korea (Interval Signal): Circa 1983
Dan Greenall

Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (Interval Signal): Circa 1970

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: ORTF Paris France 1970

Date of recording: 1970

Frequency: 9.620 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Here is the interval signal of the ORTF in Paris, France circa 1970. In my early days of shortwave listening, their nice clear French language announcement was good practice prior to tackling weaker African signals in the often static ridden tropical bands.

Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (Interval Signal): Circa 1970
Dan Greenall

Radio Nacional del Paraguay: Circa 1997

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Nacional del Paraguay

Frequency: 9.735

Recption location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Notes: It was always a treat to find Radio Nacional del Paraguay in Asuncion on 9735 kHz. and listen to their amazing music typical of that part of South America. This recording was made in early 1997 but is of unfortunately short duration. Announcements including station identification are in Spanish.

Radio Nacional del Paraguay: Circa 1997
Dan Greenall

Voice of Korea (Interval Signal and Intro): July 13, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Voice of Korea

Date of recording: 7/13/2022

Starting time: 20:00

Frequency: 11635 kHz

Note that this recording was made via a remote web-based SDR

Voice of Korea: July 13, 2021
Angelo Prieto

Deutsche Welle (Interval Signal): June 11, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares this recording of Deutsche Welle made on June 11, 2022 at 1515 UTC on 15195 kHz. The reception location was McGrath Alaska and receiver an ATS-25 paired with a loop antenna.

Deutsche Welle (Interval Signal): June 11, 2022
Paul Walker

Radio Kuwait (Interval Signal): circa 1970

Photo by Brett Jordan

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Here is Radio Kuwait circa 1970, signing on in English with their interval signal, chimes, and giving their frequency information. They were transmitting on 15345 kHz to Europe at 1600 hours UTC. This recording was made in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada using a Hallicrafters S-52 receiver and a long wire antenna. Only used an open mike next to the speaker for this.

Broadcaster: Radio Kuwait

Starting time: 1600

Frequency: 15.345 MHz

Recption location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Radio Kuwait (Interval Signal): circa 1970
Dan Greenall

Qatar Broadcasting Service (Interval Signal): February 21, 1999

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Recorded on February 21, 1999, this is the Qatar Broadcasting Service from Doha signing on with their interval signal and announcement in Arabic. They were using 7210 kHz and a little amateur radio interference can be heard as one might expect. Receiver location was Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada.

Broadcaster: Qatar Broadcasting Service

Date of recording: 2/21/1999

Starting time: 0245 UTC

Frequency: 7.210 MHz

Reception location: Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Drake SW-8 and a long wire antenna

Qatar Broadcasting Service: February 21, 1999
Dan Greenall

Radio Republik Indonesia Jakarta (Interval Signal): April 11, 1998

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Probably my favourite interval signal of all time, the Song of the Coconut Islands, used by Radio Republik Indonesia stations. Here we have Jakarta on 15150 kHz signing on April 11, 1998. Their signal had to travel over 15800 km to get to my receiver in southern Ontario, Canada, so there is a little flutter which is expected. Receiving equipment consisted of a Panasonic RF-3100 portable hooked up to a long wire antenna.

Broadcaster: Radio Republik Indonesia Jakarta

Date of recording: 4/11/1998

Frequency: 15.150

Reception location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Radio Republik Indonesia Jakarta (Interval Signal): April 11, 1998
Dan Greenall

Radio Madagasikara (Interval Signal): February 18, 1997

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Rarely logged here, the interval signal from Radio Madagasikara broadcasting from the island of Madagascar, as heard in Thamesford, Ontario, Canada on February 18, 1997 at sign on around 0258 hours UTC on 5010 kHz shortwave. Their national anthem is played followed by announcements which are of unfortunately low modulation. The receiver used was a Panasonic RF-3100 portable and a longwire antenna.

Broadcaster: Radio Madagasikara

Date of recording: 2/18/1997

Starting time: 0258

Frequency: 5.010 MHz

Reception location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Radio Madagasikara (Interval Signal): February 18, 1997
Dan Greenall

FEBA Seychelles (Interval Signal): February 22, 1973

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Some of my old audio cassette tapes from the 1970's contain unedited material from my shortwave listening activities that has never been labelled or properly organized. Upon playing one such cassette, I found this recording of radio station FEBA Seychelles. After cross checking this with some entries in my old log book, I discovered it was made on February 22, 1973 around 1800 hours UTC on a frequency of 11955 kHz. My receiver was a Realistic DX150A and a longwire antenna. Receiver location was Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. A part of their interval signal "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" is played in this recording.

FEBA Seychelles (Interval Signal): February 22, 1973
Dan Greenall