Radio Gambia: June 26, 1972

10th anniversary of Radio Gambia postage stamp (Source: Radio Filatelia)

10th anniversary of Radio Gambia postage stamp (Source: Radio Filatelia)

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Dan Robinson, who submits this short recording of Radio Gambia from June 26, 1972. 

Dan comments:

"This classic recording of Radio Gambia was made as the station signed on just before 0600 UTC on 4.820 khz. That frequency was plagued by utility station interference at the time, making reception of Gambia one of the most challenging tasks for SWLs. This recording was made from a Hammarlund HQ-180C receiver."

As Dan states, this is not armchair listening... it's much, much better.  It's what real DX is all about: back in time forty-two years, through the static, one uncovers the faint voice of Radio Gambia.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Gambia: June 26, 1972
Dan Robinson