Radio Cairo (Sign On): August 11, 2022

Photo by Jack Krier

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, for the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Cairo

Date of recording: 8/11/2022

Starting time: 15:00 UTC

Frequency: 9.440 Mhz

RX location: Miami, FL

Notes: This is a recording of Radio Cairo from my personal magnetic tape collection. This being the only recording of Radio Cairo i have, i digitized it and then decided to upload it to The Shortwave Archive. The cassette recorder made a hissing noise in the background of the cassette recording, but the loud buzzing was interference from the original recording.

Radio Cairo (Sign On): August 11, 2022
Angelo Prieto

Three stations sign on--Rhodesia, Zambia and Swazi Music Radio: February, 1976

Photo of Dan Robinson's Hammalund HQ-180A.

Photo of Dan Robinson's Hammalund HQ-180A.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares the following recording and notes:

Three shortwave stations from Southern Africa signing on in 1976.  
The first is the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation on 3396khz, the date is probably February 4, the time is 0355UTC.  This was during the white occupation.  The dips in the audio is due to my tape lifting from the heads slightly  until it smooths out.  Identification and a long list of FM affiliates.  
The second is the Zambian Broadcasting Corporation on 4911khz, believed  to be February 16.  This is an anthem-like clip of a band, an announcement by a woman, then in English "One Zambia One Nation" before a local language program.  The het is awful.  
The third is the sign on for Swazi Music Radio on 4980; their Interval Signal was a pop music instrumental of the day called "Popcorn."  Programs were DJ playing current hits.  Time given would be 0400 and the date also given: 24 February 1976.  
Monitored on a Hammarlund HQ-180 with 100 foot inverted V longwire in Indianapolis, IN.
Three stations sign on: Rhodesia, Zambia and Swazi Music Radio: February, 1976
Jack Widner

Voice of Nigeria sign on: May 16, 1982

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

I used to make it a habit to tune to this station just to hear this great Inverval
Signal and sign-on. This usually boomed in on 7255 kHz at sign-on. I have not listened
in years but hope it is still there. I probably logged this on my ICF-2001 back then.

Date of recording: 5/16/1982 

Frequency: 7.255

Starting time: 0530

Location: South Bend, Indiana

Voice of Nigeria: May 16, 1982
Tom Laskowski

Radio Gambia: June 26, 1972

10th anniversary of Radio Gambia postage stamp (Source: Radio Filatelia)

10th anniversary of Radio Gambia postage stamp (Source: Radio Filatelia)

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Dan Robinson, who submits this short recording of Radio Gambia from June 26, 1972. 

Dan comments:

"This classic recording of Radio Gambia was made as the station signed on just before 0600 UTC on 4.820 khz. That frequency was plagued by utility station interference at the time, making reception of Gambia one of the most challenging tasks for SWLs. This recording was made from a Hammarlund HQ-180C receiver."

As Dan states, this is not armchair listening... it's much, much better.  It's what real DX is all about: back in time forty-two years, through the static, one uncovers the faint voice of Radio Gambia.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Gambia: June 26, 1972
Dan Robinson