The 72 Ragchew Net: December 7, 2020

Mark Fahey’s KiwiSDR WebSDR

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: The 72 Ragchew Net

Date of recording: December 07, 2020

Frequency: 7272 kHz

Receiver location: Washington DC

Receiver and antenna: The NA5B WebSDR From Washington DC

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: This is my recording of The 72 Ragchew Net. This net is conducted every week on 7272 MHz. Recorded around 1150 UTC (11:50 AM). Recorded using the NA5BWebSDR from Washington DC. This webSDR covers shortwave, but also some VHF.

The 72 Ragchew Net: December 7, 2020
Bryce Belcher

Radio Free Whatever (Pirate): May 8, 2022

Mark Fahey’s KiwiSDR (WebSDR)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Free Whatever

Date of recording: May 08, 2022

Frequency: 6.955 MHz

Receiver and antenna: The NA5B WebSDR Located in Washington DC.

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: Here is my recording of radio free whatever on 6.955 MHz, recorded on Mother's Day, May 8, 2022. If I remember correctly, I think this may have been recorded around 9:39 PM Eastern. If any of you haven't heard radio free whatever, they pretty much play all types of music. This was recorded using the NA5B webSDR Receiver that is located in Washington DC.

Radio Free Whatever (Pirate): May 8, 2022
Bryce Belcher

Thunder Chicken Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Thunder Chicken Radio

Date of recording: October 16, 2023

Starting time: 00:13 UTC

Frequency: 6.950 MHz

Reception location: Columbus, Ohio

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL880 with telescopic antenna

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: This is my recording of thunder chicken radio on 6.950 MHz, on October 16. I managed to record two pirate radio stations that night, the first one being this station, and then the second one being Smoky Dog Radio. This station was playing some music, and there were some slow scan television pictures, being transmitted as well. Recorded 8:13 PM Eastern

Thunder Chicken Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023
Bryce Belcher

Smoky Dog Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Smoky Dog Radio

Date of recording: October 16, 2023

Starting time: 00:35 UTC

Frequency: 6.27 MHz

Reception location: Columbus, Ohio

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL880 with the telescopic antenna.

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: Last night I caught two pirate radio stations. Here is one of them I recorded. Smokey dog radio was on 6.27 MHz last night. It was a pretty good signal here in Columbus, Ohio. I was also able to receive it on the NA5B WebbSDR in Washington DC, But I thought I would record it with my radio because it had a pretty good signal. I'd say it was a pretty good signal for a pirate. especially for me using a telescopic antenna with my Tecsun PL880. Recorded 8:35 PM eastern (00:35, UTC).

Smoky Dog Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023
Bryce Belcher

The Hurricane Watch Net: September 27, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: The Hurricane Watch Net

Date of recording: September 27, 2022

Starting time: 14:38 UTC

Frequency: 14.325 mhZ

Reception location: Washington DC

Receiver and antenna: The NA5B webSDR from Washington DC

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: My recording of the hurricane watch net daytime on one, 4.325 MHz. This was recorded one day before hurricane Ian destroyed the west coast of Florida. This was recorded using the NA5B WebSDR in Washington, DC.

The Hurricane Watch Net: September 27, 2022
Bryce Belcher

WTWW (The Voice of Freedom): April 25, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: WTWW “The Voice of Freedom”

Date of recording: 4/25/2022

Starting time: 23:13 UTC

Frequency: 5.085 MHz

Reception location: Columbus Ohio

Receiver and antenna: My Tecsun PL880 with just the telescopic antenna

Notes: My recording of WTWW, the voice of freedom on 5085 MHz from April 25, 2022. The reception was pretty good here in Columbus in this recording. With just the telescopic antenna the station comes in pretty good.

WTWW (The Voice of Freedom): April 25, 2022
Bryce Belcher

XFM (Pirate Radio): October 30, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: XFM

Date of recording: Oct 30, 2022

Starting time: 8:45 EST

Frequency: 6865 MHz

Your location: Columbus, Ohio

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL-880 with just the telescopic antenna

Mode: Single Side Band

Safe for children?: No

Notes: Some RF noise—the signal gets stronger but was weaker in the beginning of the recording. Recorded October 30, 2022

Please note that pirate radio recordings often contain adult language.

XFM (Pirate Radio): October 30, 2022
Bryce Belcher