China National Radio 1 (Sign On): January 30, 2023

KiwiSDR (Photo by Mark Fahey)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor Liam Spencer, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: China National Radio 1 The Voice of China

Date of recording: January 30, 2023

Starting time: 20:24 UTC

Frequency: 6.125 MHz

Reception location: KiwiSDR in Japan

Receiver and antenna: Self-made YouLoop

Notes: China National Radio signing on with the interval signal and some music. If my sources are correct this sign on only occurs on Mondays. The echo is due to two different transmitters on the same frequency

Voice of Korea/KCBS (Assorted Recordings): 2022-2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: KCBS Pyongyang

Date of recording:Various (2022-2023)

Frequency: Various frequencies

Reception location: Various locations

Receiver and antenna: KiwiSDR

Mode: AM

Notes: This is a collection of recent recordings I made of DPRK SW radio stations.

Thunder Chicken Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Thunder Chicken Radio

Date of recording: October 16, 2023

Starting time: 00:13 UTC

Frequency: 6.950 MHz

Reception location: Columbus, Ohio

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL880 with telescopic antenna

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: This is my recording of thunder chicken radio on 6.950 MHz, on October 16. I managed to record two pirate radio stations that night, the first one being this station, and then the second one being Smoky Dog Radio. This station was playing some music, and there were some slow scan television pictures, being transmitted as well. Recorded 8:13 PM Eastern

Smoky Dog Radio (Pirate): October 16, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Smoky Dog Radio

Date of recording: October 16, 2023

Starting time: 00:35 UTC

Frequency: 6.27 MHz

Reception location: Columbus, Ohio

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL880 with the telescopic antenna.

Mode: Single Side Band

Notes: Last night I caught two pirate radio stations. Here is one of them I recorded. Smokey dog radio was on 6.27 MHz last night. It was a pretty good signal here in Columbus, Ohio. I was also able to receive it on the NA5B WebbSDR in Washington DC, But I thought I would record it with my radio because it had a pretty good signal. I'd say it was a pretty good signal for a pirate. especially for me using a telescopic antenna with my Tecsun PL880. Recorded 8:35 PM eastern (00:35, UTC).

Radio Saudi International: September 4, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Saudi International

Date of recording: September 04, 2023

Starting time: 9:00 UTC

Frequency: 15.120MHz

Reception location: Miami, Florida, U.S.A.

Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL-310ET, homemade copper beam antenna

Notes: This was the Islamic Call to Prayer (Adhan), This was the Bengali service of Radio Saudi International, Bengali is mainly spoken in North Eastern India and so that's where I pointed the antenna instead of pointing directly as Saudi Arabia.

Adventist World Radio's Wavescan: May 21, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Việt Anh Phạm, who shares the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: May 21, 2023

Starting time: 1530 UTC

Frequency: 15.67 MHz

Reception location: Northern Vietnam.

Receiver and antenna: TECSUN PL-380 with long wire

Notes: An audio recording of Wavescan- the international DX program from World Adventist Radio on May, 21st, 2023. It is produced by WRMI in FL, USA. This recording was made by connecting the mic in port of my Android phone to my radio (Tecsun PL-380) tuned to 15670 kHz with a 5-meter-long wire as an antenna. The signal was transmitted from KSDA- Guam with a power of 100 kW. My radio has a band-width changing function so I used it to optimize audio quality, which resulted in the audio being muffled a little bit at the beginning. QTH: Northern Vietnam

Note that the frequency announcement at the beginning did not match with the actual frequency I tuned to.

LRA 36 (Arcangel San Gabriel, Antarctica): March 19, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of LRA 36. Paul made this recording on Sunday, March 19, 2023, starting at 02:21 UTC in McGrath, Alaska on 15,476 kHz. He was using an ATS25 max radio , an Emtech ZM2 tuner, a DXE preamp, and a 15 foot wellbrook loop.

BBC World Service: January 26, 2023

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Liam Spencer, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: BBC World Service

Date of recording: 1/26/2023

Starting time: 01:00 UTC

Frequency: 15.310 MHz

Reciever location: KiwiSDR in Philippines/Thailand

Antenna: 40M delta loop

Notes: This is part one of two of a one hour broadcast from the BBC World Service Relay in Kranji, Singapore. Reason I had to do two parts was due to the signal becoming weak on the KiwiSDR in the Philippines, So I switched to one in Thailand which had a stronger signal.

Broadcaster: BBC World Service

Date of recording: 1/27/2023

Starting time: 01:00 UTC

Frequency: 15.310 MHz

Receiver location: KiwiSDR in Thailand

Antenna: Wellbrook Loop FLX1530LN

Notes: Part 2, the first KiwiSDR I used the signal became to weak to listen to I switched to one in Thailand which had a better signal.
Part 2 covers from 01:11 UTC to 1:59 UTC.