Radio Botswana Interval Signal: January 2, 1981


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jerry Johnston, who has kindly shared his collection of airchecks with the archive. The following recording and notes originally appeared on Jerry’s website.

Sebele, Botswana
1981-01-02     0357 GMT     4845 kHz
10 kW

Cow bells and cows mooing interval signal.

Duration:   0:58
Filename:  19810102_0357_Radio-Botswana_Botswana_4845.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Radio Botswana: January 2, 1981
Jerry Johnston

Radio RSA: December 31, 1979

Radio RSA QSL.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jerry Johnston, who has kindly shared his collection of airchecks with the archive. The following recording and notes originally appeared on Jerry’s website.

Meyerton, South Africa 1979-12-31 2153 GMT 15380/17805 kHz English Radio RSA's 3rd annual New Year's Eve live call in program. I called in at 2320 GMT (separate cut on recoding, 19 minutes in). I was 13 years old at the time. You can hear my voice right before that cut, and again at the very end of the recording.

Duration:   46:15
Filename:  19791231_2153_Radio-RSA_South-Africa_15380.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Radio RSA
Jerry Johnston

Radiodiffusion Télévision Gabonaise: 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jerry Johnston, who has kindly shared his collection of airchecks with the archive. The following recording and notes originally appeared on Jerry’s website.

Libréville, Gabon
1979?     4777 kHz
French     100 kW

Music, talk, ID in French. Time and actual date unknown, possibly 1979.

Duration:   25:04
Filename:  19790000_-_Radiodiffusion-Television-Gabonaise_Gabon_4777.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Radiodiffusion Télévision Gabonaise: 1979
Jerry Johnston

Interval Signals: Bangkok Meteorological Radio 1994 "Music Box Interval Signal"


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jerry Johnston, who shares the following recording from his extensive collection off interval signals.

Duration: 2:07

Filename: Bangkok-Meteorological-Radio_Thailand.mp3 (1.27 MB)

Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz

Received By: Jerry Johnston

Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA

Interval Signals: Bangkok Meteorological Radio 1994 "Music Box Interval Signal"
Jerry Johnston