KGEI: April 01, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: KGEI San Francisco CA USA

Date of recording: April 01, 1978

Starting time: 2030 UTC

Frequency: 9615 kHz

Recpotion location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Recording of the program Departiendo con La Juventud presented by Mario Barahona (in memorian). There are 2 programs that were merged: days 01 and 02/04/1978.

KGEI: April 01, 1978
Antonio Ribeiro da Motta

KGEI (San Francisco): April 1, 1978

Image source:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: KGEI San Francisco CA USA

Date of recording: April 01, 1978

Starting time: 2030 UTC

Frequency: 9615 kHz

Recotion location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Recording of the program Departiendo con La Juventud presented by Mario Barahona (in memorian). There are 2 programs that were merged: days 01 and 02/04/1978.

KGEI (San Francisco): April 1, 1978
Antonio Ribeiro da Motta

KGEI: June 26, 1941


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

KGEI General Electric shortwave station in San Francisco, CO. Recording consists of end of Musical Rambling from the National Broadcasting Company, KGEI identification, newscast including extensive war reports including news on German attack on Russia, British offensive in Africa, American government moving cautiously in supporting the USSR, German attacks on merchant ships, Sweden allows Russian troops to cross their territory, British aircrafts shot down over Italy, etc. Plus stock market reports and commodity quotations, KGEI sign off.

Recording provided by broadcast historian, Todd Kosovich.

Starting time: 1700 UTC

Frequency: 9.530 MHz

KGEI: June 26, 1941
Todd Kosovich via Tom Gavaras