Radio Netherlands (Death of Pope John Paul I): September 28, 1978

Ioannes Paulus I, by Fotografia Felici, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Netherlands

Date of recording: 9/28/1978

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Unknown

Reception location: St. Cloud, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-5900W using a whip antenna

Notes: Radio Netherland's shortwave transmission announcing the death of Pope John Paul I in 1978. I had tuned in to listen to DX Juke Box and heard that the show was being preempted due to the unexpected passing. Pope John Paul I was head of the Catholic Church for only 33 days, the shortest in papal history.

Radio Netherlands (Death of Pope John Paul I): September 12, 1978
Tom Gavaras

WRUL Shortwave, JFK Assassination (Studio Recording): November 22, 1963

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

WRUL Radio New York Worldwide JFK Assassination Coverage 11/22/1963

WRUL (Radio New York Worldwide) shortwave coverage in English and Spanish of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy including coverage from ABC Radio. Recording provided by Todd Kosovich.

WRUL Shortwave, JFK Assassination (Studio Recording): November 22, 1963
Tom Gavaras / Todd Kosovich

VOA Communications World (Internet Stream): June 30, 2001

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: VOA Communications World hosted by Kim Andrew Elliott. Topics covered included:
- BBC to end shortwave World Service broadcasts to US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Radio Netherlands to broadcast on BBC vacated frequencies for two weeks
- Interview with Ralph Brandi who headed up a "Save BBC" campaign
- Radio Canada website hacked
- VOA new Spanish language program for the Andean region of South America
- 75th Anniversary of RTE in Ireland

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 6/30/2001

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Internet Stream

Your receiver and antenna: Internet Stream

VOA Communications World (Internet Stream): June 30, 2001
Tom Gavaras

VOA Communications World: June 24, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

VOA's Communications World with Kim Andrew Elliott from 6-24-1995, Topics discussed included:

- International radio news
- Discussion about VOA budget and possible consolidation of VOA into the State Department
- Underwriting messages on VOA
- Weather reports on VOA broadcasts to Africa
- Interview with Radio Prague about their innovative use of the internet

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 6/24/1995

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Unknown

Receiver location: Orono, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A, Longwire

VOA Communications World: June 24, 1995
Tom Gavaras

VOA Communications World: July 1, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

VOA Communications World 7/1/1995

VOA's Communications World presented by Kim Andrew Elliott. Topics discussed included:

- Report on WCCO-TV (Minneapolis, MN) running a modified newscast on another local TV station (KLGT-TV) at the same time and interviews Brian Lambert of the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper. Plus, discussion on radio competition in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN area.
- Plans of America's public radio broadcasters to distribute programming in Europe
- Radio of-demand and its potential for domestic and international broadcasting
- Interview with VOA's Southeast Asia correspondent, Dan Robinson, about broadcasting in Thailand

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 7/1/1995

Starting time: Unknown

Frequency: Unknown

Receiver location: Orono, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A, Longwire

VOA Communications World: July 1, 1995
Tom Gavaras

The Voice of the Voyager (Pirate Radio): August 20, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Voice of the Voyager pirate shortwave radio station transmission starting with interval signal, opening with "We will Rock You/We are the Champions," introductions of staff including RF Wavelength, AF Gain, Disco Dan, Disco Dave and others. Broadcast included The Minnesota-Ohio Corporation Mystery Theater: The Heath Heresy, Nighttime Melodies, beer reviews and more. August 20, 1978 on 5,850 MHZ at 0355 UTC. 100 watts.

The Voice of the Voyager had been broadcasting on Saturday nights for about eight months. One week later on August 28, 1978, a yellow car pulled into the driveway of the house where the Voice of the Voyager had been broadcasting from and two official-looking men got out and walked up to the front door. They flashed credentials identifying them as being from the St. Paul, MN office of the FCC. Since R. F. Wavelength held a ham license for the address, he had no choice but to admit the men to the house. At first, he denied all knowledge of the Voyager but it soon became clear the FCC knew all about the station and had definitely traced it to that location. R. F. Wavelength finally admitted to being behind the Voyager and with that confession the atmosphere immediately changed. The FCC agents became quite friendly, and told the operators how they managed to track down the station. The Voyager operators were surprised to learn the FCC had planned to bust the station during the previous weeks broadcast on August 20, but that plan was aborted when the Voyager left the air earlier than usual. A special monitoring van had been brought in from the FCC’s Chicago office to help trace the station’s location.

More information and some of the background posted above:

Broadcaster: The Voice of the Voyager

Date of recording: 8/20/1978

Starting time: 0355 UTC

Frequency: 5.850 MHz

Reception location: Minneapolis, MN area

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-5900W with whip antenna

The Voice of the Voyager (Pirate Radio): August 20, 1978
Tom Gavaras

Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, for sharing the following recording and notes:

Voice of America studio quality recording of shortwave coverage of Apollo 11. Starts with newscast on the status of Soviet Luna 2 orbiter that was also sent to the moon, Egyptian-Israel conflict at the Suez Canal, Organization of American States call for a cease fire between El Salvador and Honduras, entire cabinet in South Vietnam resigns, American air attacks against the Viet Cong, etc. Followed by latest updates on Apollo 11 (lunar module is on the moon), international reaction to landing on the moon, etc.

Date of recording: 7/20/1969

Starting time: 1730 UTC

Voice of America (Studio Recording): July 20, 1969
Tom Gavaras

KGEI: June 26, 1941


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

KGEI General Electric shortwave station in San Francisco, CO. Recording consists of end of Musical Rambling from the National Broadcasting Company, KGEI identification, newscast including extensive war reports including news on German attack on Russia, British offensive in Africa, American government moving cautiously in supporting the USSR, German attacks on merchant ships, Sweden allows Russian troops to cross their territory, British aircrafts shot down over Italy, etc. Plus stock market reports and commodity quotations, KGEI sign off.

Recording provided by broadcast historian, Todd Kosovich.

Starting time: 1700 UTC

Frequency: 9.530 MHz

KGEI: June 26, 1941
Todd Kosovich via Tom Gavaras

Voice of America covering assassination of President John F. Kennedy: November 22, 1963

US President, John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)

US President, John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Voice of America shortwave broadcast from Greenville, NC with English language coverage of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy as they struggle with CBS Television saying President Kennedy is dead and NBC Television saying that he is still alive. Transmission switches to a VOA Polish language broadcast near the end of the recording. Recording provided to me by broadcast historian, Todd Kosovich.

Broadcaster: Voice of America

Date of recording: 11/22/1963

Starting time: Approximately 1300

Voice of America covering assassination of President John F. Kennedy: November 22, 1963
Tom Gavaras

Radio Moscow NYE Show with Joe Adamov (Studio Recording): January 1, 1980


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares this studio recording of Radio Moscow featuring Joe Adamov’s New Year’s Eve show:

Radio Moscow NYE Show with Joe Adamov (Studio Recording): January 1, 1980
Tom Gavaras

ANARC convention live recording featuring keynote by Rudy Espinal of Radio Clarin: June 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following live recording and notes:

Rudy Espinal of Radio Clarin (Dominican Republic) keynote speech at 1979 Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) convention held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Convention took place in June 1979.

ANARC convention live recording featuring keynote by Rudy Espinal of Radio Clarin: June 1979
Tom Gavaras

VOA "Talk to America" show by Doug Bernard discussing clandestine radio (Internet Recording): June 14, 2005

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording.

Note that we occasionally post recordings that are not airchecks or off-air recordings when they relate to the shortwave radio listening hobby. This is one such recording. Tom shares the following notes:

Notes: Voice of America (VOA) "Talk to America" show from 2005 hosted by Doug Bernard discussing clandestine radio. Guests included Nick Grace, Clandestine Radio Watch and Richard Lafayette, Global Crisis Watch.

VOA "Talk to America" show by Doug Bernard discussing clandestine radio (Internet Recording): June 1
Tom Gavaras

Radio Netherlands: January 1, 1975


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Nethlerlands shortwave broadcast to Africa recorded in 1975 on 17.810 MHz at 1830 UTC. Transmission opens with a unique trumpet/drums interval signal, singing station identification/jingle, and announcements in the French language.

Rough translation: "This is Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Holland broadcasting on 16 meters, 17810 kHz." [Singing jingle] "You are listening to the Netherlands Global Radio Network, Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Holland. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, according to where you are receiving our signal right now. We are going to spend the next 80 minutes together, and we invite you to listen to our show in the French language."

Starting time: 1830 UTC

Frequency: 17.810

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Radio Netherlands: January 1, 1975
Tom Gavaras

Polish Radio (Studio Recording): 1977


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: Studio recording of Polish Radio from 1977. The recording opens with the Polish Radio interval signal followed by a documentary called "In Defense of Peace." The program covers Poland during WWII including a few brief excerpts of Polish Radio and German radio, discussion on the start of the cold war, atomic weapons/arms race, Poland's pursuit of peace, etc. Music is interspersed through out the recording.

Polish Radio (Studio Recording): 1977
Tom Gavaras

Radio Canada International: January 9, 1982


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: Radio Canada International English language shortwave broadcast to Africa that aired on January 9, 1982 including a newscast and the Shortwave Listener's Digest with Ian McFarland. The SWL Digest included Glenn Hauser's look back at shortwave in 1981, report about the Voice of Free China being relayed on WYFR Radio, a taped message from David Monson formerly on Belgium Radio & TV, and an update on the Handicapped Aid Program.

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Radio Canada International: January 9, 1982
Tom Gavaras

Polish Radio (Coverage of Airline Crash Killing Poland's President and Others): April 10, 2010

Many thank to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: Polish Radio English language external service (recording from Internet feed) of news coverage of an airline crash near the Russian city of Smolensk resulting in the death of 96 people including the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria, the former President of Poland in exile Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. The group was arriving from Warsaw to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the massacre, which took place not far from Smolensk. (Details of the crash from Wikipedia)

Polish Radio (Coverage of Airline Crash Killing Poland's President and Others): April 10, 2010
Tom Gavaras

Fall of Saigon Shortwave Coverage: RSA, Radio Netherlands, Radio Japan, Radio Moscow: April 30, 1975


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Shortwave coverage of the fall of Saigon as heard on Radio South Africa (RSA), Radio Nederland, Radio Japan and Radio Moscow on April 30, 1975. Voice of Vietnam coverage has been posted previously.

Date of recording: 4/30/1975

Starting time: Various

Frequency: Various

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Fall of Saigon Shortwave Coverage: RSA, Radio Netherlands, Radio Japan, Radio Moscow: April 30, 1975
Tom Gavaras

Radio Sweden Saturday Show (Studio Recording): 1981


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following studio recording of the Radio Sweden Saturday show. Note that the exact date is not known, but the year is 1981:

Radio Sweden Saturday Show (Studio Recording): 1981
Tom Gavaras

1980 ANARC Convention Broadcasters Forum (Live Recording): July 20, 1980


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcasters forum at the 1980 ANARC (Association of North American Radio Clubs) convention held in Irving, CA. Panelists included George Wood, Radio Sweden; Tony King, Radio New Zealand; David Monson, Belgian Radio and TV; Alfonso Montelegre, Radio Netherlands; Ian McFarland, Radio Canada International; Bob Zonati, Swiss Radio International; and Clayton Howard, HCJB. Also participation from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio.

Please note this is not an off-air/aircheck recording, rather a live recording from the convention floor in Irvine, California, USA.

1980 ANARC Convention Broadcasters Forum (Live Recording): July 20, 1980
Tom Gavaras

Radio Atlantico del Sur (Falklands War British MOD Station): June 10, 1982

Image Source:

Image Source:

Many thanks to DRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Atlantico del Sur was a Spanish language radio station operated by the British Ministry of Defense during the Falklands War as part of its psychological operations aimed at Argentine troops. The station broadcast from a BBC transmitter on Ascension Island from May 19 until June 15, 1982. You can hear in the background a jamming transmitter from Argentina throughout the recording.

Starting time: 2300 UTC

Frequency: 9.710 MHz

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Radio Atlantico del Sur (Falklands War British MOD Station): June 10, 1982
Tom Gavaras