Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (RAE English): October 30, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: RAE

Date of recording: 10/30/2022

Starting time: 0200 UTC

Frequency: 5.85 MHz

Recption location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Airspy HF+ and Youloop


Off air recording of RAE Argentina to the World broadcast on WRMI on 5.85 Mhz on October, 30, 2022.  Recorded in Hugo, MN.

Program details

00:00 Introduction and info

02:30 News

08:30 Sports

09:30 Feature about Carlos Gardel the best Tango dancer in the world

27:30 News recap

29:00 Sign-off

Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (English): October 30, 2022
Matt Todd

Halloween 2022 Pirate Radio Recordings (Various): October 30, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following pirate radio recordings and notes:

Audio recordings of numerous Shortwave Radio Pirates recorded around Halloween 2022. This is typically the most active time of the year for Shortwave Radio Pirates.

Location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sdr Play with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Mode: Single Sideband

Please note that pirate radio broadcasts often contain adult language.

UNID: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
WJAN Radio: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
Outhouse Radio: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
WNEK: October 31, 2022
Matt Todd
Thunder Chicken: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
WDOG: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
Psycho Radio: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
XFM: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
ACID: October 31, 2022
Matt Todd
KMAD: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
XFM: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
WDOG: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
Whatever Radio: October 30, 2022
Matt Todd
Radio Nonsense: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd
Outhouse Radio: November 1, 2022
Matt Todd

BBC World Service (Coverage of Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 22-27, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Tod, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: BBC World Service broadcast with the first news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Broadcaster: BBC

Date of recording: 2/22/2022 - 02/27/2022

Starting time: various: see recording titel

Frequency: 6.195 & 7.285 MHz

Reception location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 24, 2022 (04:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 22, 2022 (05:00 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 24, 2022 (05:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 25, 2022 (04:59 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 27, 2022 (05:00 UTC)
Matt Todd
BBC World Service (Russian Invasion of Ukraine): February 27, 2022 (06:00 UTC)
Matt Todd

Twin Cities Radio Compilation Capitol Insurrection: January 6, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a compilation of radio broadcast from Twin Cities, Minnesota radio stations when the news of the January 6 US Capitol storming was first mentioned.

Time stamps for the following stations and their time of broadcast:

00:00 WCCO 1:07 CST

01:24 KTLK 1:08 CST

02:08 KYCR 1:20 CST

03:31 WLOL 2:04 CST

06:43 WWTC 2:08 CST

09:39 KDIZ 3:06 CST

Twin Cities Radio Compilation Capitol Insurrection: January 6, 2021
Matt Todd

First 10 Minutes Of Amateur Radio Field Day 2021 (20M Band Scan): June 26, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: A scan of the phone portion of the 20 Meter Amateur Radio band during the first ten minutes of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field day June 26, 2021. Field day is the biggest Amateur Radio operating event of the year.

Broadcaster: Amateur Radio

Date of recording: 6/26/2021

Starting time: 1800

Frequency: 20 Meters

Reception location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: Single Side Band

First 10 Minutes Of Amateur Radio Field Day 2021 (20 meter band scan): June 26, 2021
Matt Todd

WWV Ionospheric Scientific Modulation Test: March 10. 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following short clip of the Ham Sci Ionospheric Scientific Modulation Test:

Date of recording: 3/10/2022

Starting time: 1908

Frequency: 15

Your location: Hu

Your receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: AM

Notes: Ionospheric Scientific Modulation Test on WWV recorded March 10, 2022 at 1908UTC on 15Mhz in Hugo, MN.

Information about the signal from the Hamsci website: HamSCI's WWV/H Scientific Modulation Working Group is exploring possibilities for additions to WWV and WWVH's modulation that can be used for science purposes.

WWV Ionospheric Scientific Modulation Test: March 10. 2022
Matt Todd

MARS Radio Phone Patch: January 24, 2022

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Audio recording of a MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio Service) of the establishment of a phone patch between a service member and their family member. This was recorded January 24, 2022 at 2148UTC on 13.927 MHz. It was recorded with an SRDplay RSPdx using a wire loop antenna.

Broadcaster: MARS

Date of recording: 1/24/2022

Starting time: 2148

Frequency: 13927

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: Single Side Band

MARS Radio Phone Patch Attempt: January 24, 2022
Matt Todd

Civil Air Patrol Net 1 Message: January 24, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Civil Air Patrol

Date of recording: 1/24/2022

Starting time: 2001

Frequency: 14914 kHz

Receiver location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic

Mode: Single Side Band

Civil Air Patrol Net 1 Message: January 24, 2022
Matt Todd

Wolverine Radio (Shortwave Pirate) Clip: December 25, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Audio recording of Shortwave Pirate going by Wolverine Radio. This was recorded December 25, 2021 at 0056UTC on 6969khz in Hugo, MN. The broadcast consists of a few minutes of the Barenaked Ladies song Testing One Two Three being play and then a male voice announcing a frequency change.

Broadcaster: Wolverine Radio (Pirate)

Date of recording: 12/25/2021

Starting time: 0056 UTC

Frequency: 6.96 MHz

Your location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRPlay with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Mode: Single Side Band

Wolverine Radio (Shortwave Pirate) Clip: December 25, 2021
Matt Todd

Radio Romania International: December 23, 2021

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Date of recording: 12/23/2021

Starting time: 0058

Frequency: 7.325 MHz

Reception location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRPlay with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Notes: Program Information:

0:00 Interval Signal
1:57 Intro
3:00 News
6:45 Story about prime minister in discussion with EU about pandemic
10:05 Story about 1989 uprising
14:35 Personality of the Year
15:50 Music
18:50 Society Today
25:25 Visit Romania
30:00 Sport
32:30 Folk/Christmas Music
44:05 Happenings in Romania
53:25 Music
57:00 Information and Sign off

Radio Romania International: December 23, 2021
Matt Todd

HF Aviation Traffic (Spirit Airlines 558): May 11, 2021

Image by Moritz Mentges

Image by Moritz Mentges

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares this bit of HF aviation traffic he recently recorded. Matt notes

Air to ground communications between Spirit 558 and New York. A phone patch was established to allow the aircraft to talk to a doctor on the ground about a person who had a seizure while on board the flight.

Date of recording: 5/11/2021

Starting time: 0256 UTC

Frequency: 8.933

Reciever location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sdr Play with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Mode: Single Side Band

HF Aviation Traffic (Spirit Airlines 558 & NY): May 11, 2021
Matt Todd

Pirate Radio WFDR: December 24, 2020


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

A shortwave pirate radio station calling itself WFDR which broadcast on Christmas Eve December 24, 2020 at 2259UTC on 6920 kHz.

The broadcast was as follows:

- Franklin Roosevelts Christmas Speech in 1942

- Winston Churchill Speech

- Christmas Music

Date of recording: 12/24/2020

Starting time: 2259

Frequency: 6.92 MHz

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sdr Play with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Mode: Single Side Band

Pirate Radio WFDR: December 24, 2020
Matt Todd

Voice of America (Sign-On Issues): January 11, 2021


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

The VOA had an apparent issue with their sign on. The interval signal was played twice, then an ID for Radio Free Europe and then an Asian language programing was joined in progress.

Date of recording: 1/11/2021

Starting time: 1900 UTC

Frequency: 9.8 MHz

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay with a wire loop attic antenna

Voice of America: January 11, 2021
Matt Todd

Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014


Many thanks to SRA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

On December 17, 2014 it was announced that diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba would be restored and an exchange of prisoners between the two countries would occur. This is the Radio Havana Cuba broadcast from that day. It was recorded December 18, 2014 at 0159 UTC on 6000khz using a Yaesu FT-857 in Hugo, MN.

Program Details:

00:00 Sign-on

01:25 News - Prisioners released in exchange, US and Cuba announced discussion to normalize relations, Complaint filed in relation to Bush era torture programs, Talaban attack in Afghanastan, Jeb Bush running for US President

12:00 Address from Cuban President Raul Castro

18:50 Commentary on ISIS

24:10 Sports

29:45 Cuban Music

34:25 News

39:00 Mailbag

51:15 Arts Roundup

Starting time: 0159 UTC

Frequency: 6 MHz

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Yaesu FT-857 and wire loop around the perimeter of the attic

Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014
Matt Todd

Radio Slovakia International (Three-Part Christmas Show): December 25-27, 2020

Cabin near Liptovska Mara, Slovakia (Photo by Ostap Senyuk)

Cabin near Liptovska Mara, Slovakia (Photo by Ostap Senyuk)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recordings and notes:

This is a collection of the 2020 Christmas Broadcasts of Radio Slovakia International. They were all recorded in Hugo, MN on 5850 kHz via WRMI at 0030UTC on December 25, 26, and 27, 2020

Christmas Eve broadcast Program Information: The origin of the word for Christmas in Slovak, baking a Christmas cake, and some music

Christmas Broadcast Program Information: Advent eco calendar, visit to an animal shelter, vegan Christmas foods, and some music. The signal got kind of rough towards the end.

Boxing Day Broadcast Program Information: Performance of Slovak fairy tale "A Tale of Twelve Months", Music

Radio Slovakia International Christmas Show Part 1: December 25, 2020
Matt Todd
Radio Slovakia International Christmas Show Part 2: December 26, 2020
Matt Todd
Radio Slovakia International Christmas Show Part 3: December 27, 2020
Matt Todd

Hobart Radio International Christmas & New Year Special: December 20, 2020

Australia, Hobart R logo.gif

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Hobart Radio International Christmas and New Years Special for 2020. This was recorded December 20, 2020 at 0030UTC on WRMI 7730 kHz in Hugo, MN using an SDRPlay SDR.

Program Information:

Music: Donald Trump (mash up) - Elton John - Boney M - Kate Bush - Band Aid Comedy: Santa Is Indian! / Jack Dee hates Christmas shopping.

Hobart Radio International Christmas & New Year Special: December 20, 2020
Matt Todd