Vatican Radio: Three Recordings
/Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Vatican Radio:
Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Vatican Radio:
Many thanks to hb9gce for these four recordings of Bible Voice Broadcasting.
Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Adventist World Radio from 2009 through 2021.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, who shares the following recording and notes:
Broadcaster: Voice of Korea
Date of recording: 7/13/2022
Starting time: 20:00
Frequency: 11635 kHz
Note that this recording was made via a remote web-based SDR
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:
This is a compilation of radio broadcast from Twin Cities, Minnesota radio stations when the news of the January 6 US Capitol storming was first mentioned.
Time stamps for the following stations and their time of broadcast:
00:00 WCCO 1:07 CST
01:24 KTLK 1:08 CST
02:08 KYCR 1:20 CST
03:31 WLOL 2:04 CST
06:43 WWTC 2:08 CST
09:39 KDIZ 3:06 CST
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:
Notes: A scan of the phone portion of the 20 Meter Amateur Radio band during the first ten minutes of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field day June 26, 2021. Field day is the biggest Amateur Radio operating event of the year.
Broadcaster: Amateur Radio
Date of recording: 6/26/2021
Starting time: 1800
Frequency: 20 Meters
Reception location: Hugo, MN
Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPdx with wire loop around perimeter of attic
Mode: Single Side Band
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, who shares the following audio clip and notes:
Notes: Short recording of JOUF-AM heard in full C-Quam Stereo. Note the wide stereo separation that C-Quam can achieve. Shame it never fully took off in the U.S or most other places.
Date of recording: 3/23/2021
Starting time: 11:27PM EST, UTC unknown
Frequency: 1.314mHz
Receiver location: Via Japanese KiwiSDR
Receiver and antenna: Via Japanese SDR
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:
Audio recording of Shortwave Pirate going by Wolverine Radio. This was recorded December 25, 2021 at 0056UTC on 6969khz in Hugo, MN. The broadcast consists of a few minutes of the Barenaked Ladies song Testing One Two Three being play and then a male voice announcing a frequency change.
Broadcaster: Wolverine Radio (Pirate)
Date of recording: 12/25/2021
Starting time: 0056 UTC
Frequency: 6.96 MHz
Your location: Hugo, MN
Receiver and antenna: SDRPlay with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic
Mode: Single Side Band
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:
Date of recording: 12/23/2021
Starting time: 0058
Frequency: 7.325 MHz
Reception location: Hugo, MN
Receiver and antenna: SDRPlay with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic
Notes: Program Information:
0:00 Interval Signal
1:57 Intro
3:00 News
6:45 Story about prime minister in discussion with EU about pandemic
10:05 Story about 1989 uprising
14:35 Personality of the Year
15:50 Music
18:50 Society Today
25:25 Visit Romania
30:00 Sport
32:30 Folk/Christmas Music
44:05 Happenings in Romania
53:25 Music
57:00 Information and Sign off
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bachtiar Aditya, who shares the following recording and notes:
Every morning I listen to NHK radio here we can learn Japanese live and listen to Japanese cultural music with enthusiastic announcers. I really like listening to NHK radio since 2010. Here I use a cheap radio for only 4 dollars type Radio international F-100 . The signal is quite good from the Indonesian metro, Especially in the morning
Received : Metro, Lampung, Indonesia .
Broadcaster: NHK World Radio Japan
Date of recording: 11/24/2021
Starting time: 04:35 UTC
Frequency: 17810 kHz Shortwave
Reception location: Metro, Lampung, INDONESIA
Receiver and antenna: Cooper Wire 10 metres outside
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following short recording and translation, along with his artwork above:
Dimtsi Weyane, 17750 kHz, broadcasting in Tigrinya language to Tigray region in Ethiopia, from Issoudun, France.
Region is facing a civil war since November 2020.
Signal received at Catacumba Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 21, 2021, 16h57 (UTC).
This recording was translated my Saba Tsen'at Mah'deromt via Twitter:
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording and notes:
873 kHz KCBS Sinuiju, North Korea at 1633UTC on Thursday, Oct 21, 2021 with instrumental North Korean music. Signal held out pretty decently for over 6 minutes. 250KW 3500 miles.
Receiver location: McGrath, Alaska
Receiver and antenna: C.Crane CC Skywave and Gary DeBock 5" FSL antenna
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Stewart Killeen, who shares the following recording and notes:
Notes: Shannon Volmet - SIGMET. A Shanwick Radio broadcast from the North Atlantic Communications Centre, providing meteorological information for aircraft in flight within the Shanwick area of international airspace (northeast part of the Atlantic).
Name: Stewart Killeen
Date of recording: 8/5/2021
Starting time: 0935UTC
Frequency: 5.501MHz
Reception location: Dublin, Ireland
Teceiver and antenna: Tecsun PL-660
Mode: AM
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following frequency announcement recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, recorded on 11,780 kHz. The date of the recording is July 14, 2021 (time not noted) and reception location was McGrath, Alaska.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following recording of Vatican Radio made on August 17, 2021, on 13,380 kHz at 18:00 UTC.
Note that Carlos Latuff, is not only a devoted radio enthusiast, but also a prominent political cartoonist in Brazil and throughout the world. Carlos has kindly included his listening report with his original artwork in the image above. Thank you for sharing, Carlos.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of the Voice of Vietnam Interval Signal.
This was recorded on 11,885 kHz, July 24, 2021 at 19:00 UTC in McGrath, Alaska.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Stewart Killeen, who shares the following recording and notes:
The final show entitled Generation 3.0 at the close of service on Radio Romania International recorded on the 29th July 2021, Dublin Ireland.
Date of recording: 7/29/2021
Starting time: 2149UTC
Frequency: 13.645 MHz
Receiver location: Dublin, Ireland
Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL-660
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Stewart Killeen, who shares the following recording and notes:
Excerpt from the Round Table China talk show broadcast on China Radio International at 7.419 MHz 08 July 2021 at 22:00 UTC (Dublin, Ireland)
Broadcaster: China Radio International
Date of recording: 7/8/2021
Starting time: 22:08 UTC
Frequency: 7.419 MHz
Reception location: Dublin, Ireland
Receiver and antenna: Tecsun PL-660
Image by Moritz Mentges
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares this bit of HF aviation traffic he recently recorded. Matt notes
Air to ground communications between Spirit 558 and New York. A phone patch was established to allow the aircraft to talk to a doctor on the ground about a person who had a seizure while on board the flight.
Date of recording: 5/11/2021
Starting time: 0256 UTC
Frequency: 8.933
Reciever location: Hugo, MN
Receiver and antenna: Sdr Play with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic
Mode: Single Side Band
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Rosa Sanese, who shares the following recording and notes:
About a month and a half after the previous radio listening recording that I published, here is a new audio file that I got listening to "Yoga Network" (the one that many years ago in Bologna broadcast in medium waves on AM 1503 kHz—?), re-transmitted by "Radio Echo One" in the afternoon of May 15, 2021 on 1710 kHz. I received the station with my Tecsun PL-600 receiver.
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