Radio Romania International (DX Mailbag Show): January 22, 2024

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Liam Spencer, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Romania International DX Mailbag Show

Date of recording: January 22, 2024

Starting time: 01:42 UTC

Frequency: 7.325 MHz

RX location: KiwiSDR in Massachusetts

Receiver and antenna: MAG LOOP 80M DIPOLE

Notes: This is the DX Mailbag show for the week of 22nd of January, 2024. I used a KiwiSDR in Massachusetts.

Radio Romania International (DX Mailbag Show): January 22, 2024
Liam Spencer

Radio Romania International (English and French Language Services) April 30, 2018

Radio Romania International.jpg

For your listening pleasure: nearly two hours of Radio Romania International recorded on 9,730 kHz starting at 00:01 UTC on April 30, 2018. The receiver used was a WinRadio Excalibur and antenna a horizontal delta loop. Location was North Carolina, USA.

This broadcast starts with the English language service, then continues with French:

Radio Romania International (English and French Language Services) April 30, 2018

Radio Romania International, English language service: April 5, 2014

For your listening pleasure: Radio Romania International‘s English language service.

I recorded this broadcast with my WinRadio Excalibur on April 5, 2014, starting at 05:30 UTC on their new A14 frequency of 7,900 kHz.

This broadcast originates from RRI‘s Galbeni transmitter site.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Radio Romania International: April 5, 2014

Radio Romania International


Radio Romania International is on of my favorite international broadcasters. I routinely listen to their broadcasts in English and French. With the demise of Radio Bulgaria in 2012, I turn to RRI for news not only about Romania, but Eastern Europe in general. I do fear for the future of Radio Romania International on the shortwaves as so many broadcasters are pulling out of the spectrum and putting all of their faith into online "broadcasting." If you enjoy RRI as much as I do, consider submitting a reception report and letting them know that you're listening.

Tuesday, I recorded RRI's English broadcast from Tiganesti on 9.435 MHZ (21:30 UTC)--quite an easy and reliable catch in eastern North America. You can click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Radio Romania International