Radio Juliaca (Juliaca Peru): July 1959

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tony King, who shares the following recording and notes:

PERU: Radio Juliaca, Juliaca Peru July 1959. 5015 kHz OAX7X OAX7Z The station came on the air this month and this would appear to be a test transmission playing old time western tunes, mix experiments, and regular ID's. This caption was rebroadcast on Keith Glover's Radio Australia's Mailbox programme the same month as an item of interest to DX listeners.

Radio Juliaca (Juliaca Peru): July 1959
Tony King