Radio Chinchaycocha: July 5, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Chinchaycocha, Junín / PRU 4860 kHz

Date of recording: July 05, 1978

Starting time: 04:42 UTC

Frequency: 4.860 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire


OBZ4Z R Chinchaycocha, Junín, Perú
QRG: 4860 kHz
QTH: Schwäbisch Gmünd / Southern Germany
Rec: 5th July 1978 / 04:42 - ca. 07:15 UTC (GMT) (!)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000 - 30m longwire
Px: S, anns, huaynos, ID
SINPO: 34322
Remark: July 5th, 1978 was a very special day - great LA reception with smooth fade-out far beyond sunrise. Picaflor's spellbinding folk song 'María Alejandrina' caused goosebumps (especially from 3:33 in the MP3). Text goes as:

"María Alejandrina, what a beautiful woman's name you have.
Your name is kindness. Your noble heart ...
I would like them to change my bad life for good.
She isn't Carmen Rosa, nor Ana María,
nor is she Margarita, It's María Alejandrina ..."

ID at 14:58 in sound file ('desde Chinchaycocha'), the station's transmitting power in 1978 was 0.5 kW ...

Radio Chinchaycocha: July 5, 1978
Gert Irmler

Radio Logos: December 20, 2017

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Logos - Chazuta - Peru

Date of recording: December 20, 2017

Starting time: 1156

Frequency: 4810 kHz

Recption location: São Luiz do Paraitinga SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPA1

Notes: Recording made in São Luiz do Paraitinga state of São Paulo Brazil. Starts at 1156 UTC. Recording made using an SDRplay model RSPA1 receiver coupled to a G5RV antenna. The program was broadcast in Spanish and Quechua languages.

Radio Logos: December 20, 2017 (Recording 1)
Antonio Ribeiro da Motta
Radio Logos: December 20, 2017 (Recording 2)
Antonio Ribeiro da Motta

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Satélite Santa Cruz / PRU

Date of recording: 1/17/1995

Starting time: 03:14 UTC

Frequency: 6.7245 MHz

Your location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Your receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: OAX2L R Satélite Santa Cruz, Perú
Px: S, Huaynos, jingles, ID, N.A., s/off
SINPO: 34333
Note: Transmitter power acc. to WRTH: 0.15 kW at that time - distance 6500 miles

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995
Gert Irmler

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Satélite Santa Cruz / PRU - 6724.5 kHz

Date of recording: 1/17/1995

Starting time: 03:14

Frequency: 6.724 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: OAX2L R Satélite Santa Cruz, Perú
QRG: 6724.5 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 17th Jan. 1995 - 03:14 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire
Px: S, Huaynos, jingles, ID, N.A., s/off
SINPO: 34333
Note: Transmitter power acc. to WRTH: 0.15 kW

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995
Gert Irmler

Radio Tawantinsuyo (Peru): 1970s

Old QSL from Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, Peru

Old QSL from Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, Peru

Thanks to SRAA contributor Dan Robinson for these notes and audio of Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, Peru

Rising early in the morning was a regular activity of DX’ers who wanted to hear the more difficult stations from Latin America that used to fill the shortwave bands. One of those was Radio Tawantinsuyo, located in Cuzco, Peru. The station was on 6,175 khz in the 49 meter band but was more often heard on variable frequencies as low as 6,173 khz. This recording of the station sign on brings back so many memories for DX’ers who focused on South America.

Radio Tawantinsuyo (PERU)
Dan Robinson

Radio Juliaca (Juliaca Peru): July 1959

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tony King, who shares the following recording and notes:

PERU: Radio Juliaca, Juliaca Peru July 1959. 5015 kHz OAX7X OAX7Z The station came on the air this month and this would appear to be a test transmission playing old time western tunes, mix experiments, and regular ID's. This caption was rebroadcast on Keith Glover's Radio Australia's Mailbox programme the same month as an item of interest to DX listeners.

Radio Juliaca (Juliaca Peru): July 1959
Tony King

Radio Atlantida: October 1982

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who submits the following recording and notes:

In October 1982, I logged my first short wave broadcast station from Peru.  It was during a Friday night when I heard Radio Atlantida.  The station broadcast on 4790 kHz from Iquitos.  This was recorded on a 3" reel-to-reel machine I had purchased at a yard sale that summer.
Radio Atlantida: October 1982
Paul Harner

NHK Radio Japan: April 21, 2014

SWLing Post reader, Chris, has just shared a recording of NHK World he made while traveling in Peru on Monday (April 21st, 2014).

He took the photo above where he made this recording in the picturesque coastal town of Máncora.

Chris recorded this broadcast starting at 10:00 UTC on 9,625 kHz with a Sony ICF-SW7600G and using a Sangean ANT-60 antenna. The actual recording was made with Chris’ Sony ICD SX712digital recorder and he uploaded it using a Dell Windows 8.1 (8 inch) tablet.

Click here to download his recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. 

NHK Radio Japan: April 21, 2014