Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: July 8, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia.

This recording was made on July 8, 2022 in McGrath, Alaska, on 11,780 kHz. Paul used an ATS25 receiver paired with a magnetic loop antenna (see photo above).

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: July 8, 2022
Paul Walker

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia (Frequency Announcement): July 14, 2021

Radio National Amazonia.jpeg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following frequency announcement recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, recorded on 11,780 kHz. The date of the recording is July 14, 2021 (time not noted) and reception location was McGrath, Alaska.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia 11780kHz Frequency Announcement: July 14, 2021
Paul Walker

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: May 12, 2016 from TwenteSDR in the Netherlands

Wideband online SDR receiver at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Wideband online SDR receiver at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Following Thomas Witherspoon's excellent recording of the special presidential impeachment coverage on Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, below is another recording of the same transmission as heard via the TwenteSDR online shortwave receiver located in Enschede, The Netherlands. The receiver was tuned to 6180 kHz at 0047 UTC on May 12, 2016. Propagation from the western hemisphere was weak, with heavy static crashes at the start of the recording that subsided towards the middle part. There are several seconds of co-channel QRM from Vatican Radio on 6185 kHz, 1 hour and 22 minutes into the recording, before the passband filter was adjusted to exclude it. A narrow audio filter was used to reduce the risk of subsequent interference from adjacent stations, as the recording was left unattended most of the time. The recording ends when the propagation path becomes completely broken (shortly before 0600 UTC).

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: May 12, 2016 from TwenteSDR in the Netherlands
London Shortwave

P.S. Although I normally only upload recordings I make with my own equipment and the intelligibility of the above capture leaves a lot to be desired at times, I decided to upload it because of the historical significance of this event (combined with RNA's recent return on 6180 kHz after being out of service on that frequency for more than one year, enabling stable reception in Europe in the early hours of the morning).

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: May 12, 2016 (breaking news of Dilma Rousseff facing impeachment trial)

Last night, my buddy John Figliozzi shared the following tip regarding Rádio Nacional da Amazônia:

Both frequencies active tonight — 6180 and 11780 — with lots of discussion as well as excerpts from speeches in the Brazilian Senate on the impeachment of the President.  All in Portuguese of course.  ID around 0155 with announcement of shortwave frequencies.  Excellent armchair quality signal on 6180; audible with considerable QRN on 11780.

After reading John's message, I immediately tuned to 6180 kHz where Rádio Nacional da Amazônia was quite strong. I recorded almost two hours of their broadcast which includes news about the impeachment and music as well. This recording was made in North Carolina using a WinRadio Excalibur receiver and a Pixel Loop Pro magnetic loop antenna, starting around 02:20 UTC on May 12, 2016:

Radio Nacional Amazonia: May 12, 2016
Thomas Witherspoon

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia


Last night, Rádio Nacional da Amazônia had a booming signal into North America on 11,780 kHz. Rádio Nacional's AM signal was very wide; I actually opened up the filter on my SDR to 16 kHz to record this broadcast. In truth, that's probably too wide, but it certainly made for great audio fidelity. So, if you’re in the mood for some Brazilian music and commentary today, this 168 minute recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia should satisfy.

This was recorded on Sunday, April 28–starting around 22:15 UTC–on 11.78 MHz. Click here to download the full recording as an MP3 file, or listen in the embedded player below:

Want more Rádio Nacional? Click here for other recordings.

Radio Nacional
SW Radio Audio Archive

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia


This past weekend, Radio Nacional da Amazonia had a booming signal into North America on 11,780 kHz. I recorded their broadcast throughout the night, assuming it would eventually fade; however, it did not. So, if you're in the mood for some Brazilian music and commentary today, this eight-hour recording of Radio Nacional da Amazonia should satisfy.

This was recorded on Sunday, January 6th–starting around 02:30 UTC–on 11.78 MHz. Click here to download the full recording as an MP3 file (276 MB!), or listen in the embedded player below:

Radio Nacional da Amazonia

Note to those subscribed to our podcast: I was a bit reluctant to include a link to the podcast feed as this file is so large; I rarely make eight-hour recordings. I did offer it up, however, based on the fact that there are so many other podcasters who regularly serve up files in excess of 250 MB. If you believe this file is too large to be included as a podcast, please comment; I certainly don't want to choke up your bandwidth or overwhelm your iPod!  But it's wonderful listening.