Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972

Radio Netherlands 25 Years.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Srebnick, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a very enjoyable review of the first 25 years of Radio Nederland, hosted by Jerry Cowan. It is the complete broadcast with the news, which at the time was feed via HF from Hilversum to Bonaire. The panel of guests include Bruce Parsons, Neville Gray, as well as the head of the English Department of Radio Nederland, Van Dulken.

It was recorded off air in Queens, NY on 11,730 kHz between 0200-0320 GMT (April 16 GMT). It came from the relay site in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles where RNW had a powerful relay transmitter site. There is some interference but not enough to diminish your enjoyment.

Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep

Radio Netherlands, Happy Station Show: December 23, 1979

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Richard Collings, who notes:

The Happy Station Show of Sunday 23rd December 1979. A pre-recorded special Christmas show with Tom Meijer. Broadcast from 0930 to 1020GMT [on 9895 kHz and received in Plymouth, Devon, UK].
Radio Netherlands, Happy Station Show: December 23, 1979
Richard Collings

Shortwave Compilation, circa 1977

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Greg Shoom, who submits this recording: a compilation of clips from various shortwave stations, circa 1977. Greg didn't note specific dates, times, nor frequencies when he originally made the recording, but he has notes some details of the clips included:

Shortwave Compilation, Early 1977

  • Transworld Radio - Interval signal and ID.
  • Radio Veritas ID, as heard on Radio Nederland.
  • Radio Nederland - The story of Radio Nederland's French language service interval signal (in English).
  • Radio Nederland - Clip about interference in Scandinavia from Soviet over-the-horizon radar on shortwave.
  • Radio Santa Fe ID. Probably from Radio Santa Fe, HJAF, Bogota, Colombia, which used to operate on 4965 kHz. I don't know if this was my recording of this ID, or one I heard on a DX program.
  • Radio Nederland - French language service interval signal and ID.
  • Unidentified utility interval signal.
  • Radio Alvorada da Londrina, Brazil ID - heard on Radio Nederland.
  • BBC World Service - Interval signal and ID in Portuguese.
  • Radio Nederland - Story of Radio Nederland's official tune.
  • Disturbing trends in DXing - From HCJB's DX Partyline show.

Greg made these recordings with either a Sony CRF-5090 or Realistic DX-160. All recordings were made in early 1977 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Shortwave Compilation circa 1977
Greg Shoom

Radio Nederland ("Happy Station Show"), "Why Join a DX Club?", LW Beacons: December 27, 1976

Greg Shoom used a Sony CRF-5090. (Photo courtesy of Universal Radio)

Greg Shoom used a Sony CRF-5090. (Photo courtesy of Universal Radio)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Greg Shoom, who submits this recording which includes Radio Nederland's Happy Station Show from December 27, 1976.  Greg writes:

"This is the first of a set of DX cassette tapes I made back in the late 1970s. Most of it is a recording of the broadcast of the Christmas 1976 edition of the Happy Station program on Radio Nederland.

Following that is a short segment "Why join a DX club?" (broadcaster, date, and frequency of recording unknown), and a few minutes of longwave beacons."

He also includes the playlist/log with notes:

DX Tape 01

  1. "Happy Station" - R. Nederland English language show, Host: Tom Meyer, Dec. 27, 1976, 6165 kHz, 0200-0320 UTC,  SINPO 44444 
  2. "Why Join a DX Club?
  3. IDs: Q, Y, P, W, M, YGK (Longwave beacons) 

Greg made these recordings from 1976-1977 with his Sony CRF-5090 portable radio in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Remember, you can download all of the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive as a podcast by subscribing to our iTunes or RSS feed

Radio Nederland ("Happy Station Show"), "Why Join a DX Club?", LW Beacons: December 27, 1976
Greg Shoom

If you can help ID the broadcast, "Why Join a DX Club?" please comment!