Radio Nederland (Happy Station Show): April 20, 1980

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Clinton Turner, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Nederlands

Date of recording: 4/20/1980

Starting time: 0530

Frequency: 6.165 MHz

Recption location: North Logan, UT

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-1600 with random wire approx. 50' (15M)

Notes: Happy Station Show with Tom Meijer, 20 April, 1980 - off-air recording
Overview of 1980 Eurovision Song Contest, letters

Radio Nederland (Happy Station Show): April 20, 1980
Clinton Turner

Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972

Radio Netherlands 25 Years.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Srebnick, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is a very enjoyable review of the first 25 years of Radio Nederland, hosted by Jerry Cowan. It is the complete broadcast with the news, which at the time was feed via HF from Hilversum to Bonaire. The panel of guests include Bruce Parsons, Neville Gray, as well as the head of the English Department of Radio Nederland, Van Dulken.

It was recorded off air in Queens, NY on 11,730 kHz between 0200-0320 GMT (April 16 GMT). It came from the relay site in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles where RNW had a powerful relay transmitter site. There is some interference but not enough to diminish your enjoyment.

Radio Nederland's 25th Jubilee: April 15, 1972
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep

Radio Netherlands, Happy Station Show: December 23, 1979

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Richard Collings, who notes:

The Happy Station Show of Sunday 23rd December 1979. A pre-recorded special Christmas show with Tom Meijer. Broadcast from 0930 to 1020GMT [on 9895 kHz and received in Plymouth, Devon, UK].
Radio Netherlands, Happy Station Show: December 23, 1979
Richard Collings

Special Radio Netherlands broadcast via WRMI: January 18, 2015

Last week, I received a message from Peter De Groot, who announced a special broadcast of Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW).

RNW has been off the air for more than 2.5 years, so we can assume this was not sponsored by RNW.

Though scheduling (and the fact I forgot to start a spectrum recording–!) interfered with my ability to listen to the first broadcast on January 17, I was able to catch the January 18 broadcast at 01:00 UTC on 7,570 kHz. The show was relayed by WRMI.

The broadcast came in so strong, when I heard the interval signal, it instantly transported me back to the days when Hilversum targeted eastern North America. Gave me chill bumps.

I was able to record the entire program but did not include the WRMI station ID before and after the special.

For your listening pleasure, one full hour of Radio Netherlands Worldwide via WRMI in Florida USA–click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Enjoy:

Special Radio Netherlands broadcast via WRMI: January 18, 2015

Shortwave Radio Interval Signals 1976-77

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Greg Shoom, who shares this recording of interval signals from 1976-1977. He has kindly logged the interval signals as:

  • Deutsche Welle

  • R. Nederland

  • Voice Mirror of the PTT Habana, Cuba

  • Voice of Spain

  • History of R. Nederland's interval signal

  • R. Nederland Arabic service

  • Unidentified interval signal 2

  • R. Canada International

  • R. Nacional de Brasilia

  • Interval signal history from R. Nederland

  • R. RSA

  • Voice of Iran

  • R. Habana Cuba

  • BBC Spanish Service

  • Voice of Turkey

Recorded 1976 and 1977 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Shortwave Radio Interval Signals 1976-77
Greg Shoom

Radio Nederland ("Happy Station Show"), "Why Join a DX Club?", LW Beacons: December 27, 1976

Greg Shoom used a Sony CRF-5090. (Photo courtesy of Universal Radio)

Greg Shoom used a Sony CRF-5090. (Photo courtesy of Universal Radio)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Greg Shoom, who submits this recording which includes Radio Nederland's Happy Station Show from December 27, 1976.  Greg writes:

"This is the first of a set of DX cassette tapes I made back in the late 1970s. Most of it is a recording of the broadcast of the Christmas 1976 edition of the Happy Station program on Radio Nederland.

Following that is a short segment "Why join a DX club?" (broadcaster, date, and frequency of recording unknown), and a few minutes of longwave beacons."

He also includes the playlist/log with notes:

DX Tape 01

  1. "Happy Station" - R. Nederland English language show, Host: Tom Meyer, Dec. 27, 1976, 6165 kHz, 0200-0320 UTC,  SINPO 44444 
  2. "Why Join a DX Club?
  3. IDs: Q, Y, P, W, M, YGK (Longwave beacons) 

Greg made these recordings from 1976-1977 with his Sony CRF-5090 portable radio in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Remember, you can download all of the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive as a podcast by subscribing to our iTunes or RSS feed

Radio Nederland ("Happy Station Show"), "Why Join a DX Club?", LW Beacons: December 27, 1976
Greg Shoom

If you can help ID the broadcast, "Why Join a DX Club?" please comment!

RNW: The Happy Station Show, 26 July 1992

Jan Oversteen sends us this recording of the Happy Station Show and comments:

"Part of the Happy Station Show from July 26, 1992. This is the broadcast in where Tom Meijer announced that Pete Meijers is going to take over the program."

Thank you for sharing this recording, Jan!  If you would like to share recordings, simply submit a recording with this form.

Happy Station Show 1992
Jan Oversteen

Trevor Baylis in the Vintage Vault

RNW-MediaNetworkEarlier this week, I posted an article about wind-up (clockwork) radio inventor, Trevor Baylis. I recently discovered a 1995 episode of RNW's Media Network, which featured Baylis--and the clockwork radio--in the context of inventions that would carry us beyond the new millenium:

(Source: Media Network Vintage Vault)

Remember Trevor Baylis and the wind-up radio? I organised a conference for Radio Netherlands at the International Broadcasting Convention IBC between September 11-14th 1995. We decided to celebrate the fact that we were 5 years away from a new Millennium by looking at the technologies that would carry us forward. That included a look at different codings for DAB, a reality check on radio by Sri Lankan broadcaster Victor Goonetilleke and a special performance about the Clockwork Radio from Trevor Baylis, the British inventor who turned up in Amsterdam and charmed the audience with his frank, funny and brilliant introduction to the concept of wind-up radios. A few weeks after the conference we produced a special CD for those who took part. This is a copy for those who missed it. It's double the length of a normal Media Network, just over an hour.

You can download this archive episode of Media Network on the Vintage Vault website.

By the way, Jonathan Mark's Media Network Vintage Vault has many, many audio treasures from the radio past. Certainly worth bookmarking!

Tribute to Radio Netherlands Worldwide on the NRC's DX Audio Service

The National Radio Club requested that I read and record my tribute to Radio Netherlands Worldwide for their audio service intended to benefit their visually-impaired readers. The broadcast is divided into sides A and B (of a cassette tape). My narration begins about midway through side B.

Click to download:

Side A
Side B

Radio Netherlands says farewell in style


Thursday night, by the light of an oil lamp, I tuned my trusty Sony portable shortwave to 6,165 kHz. At 2:00 UTC, I was rewarded with a rich, full signal from Radio Netherlands Worldwide’s transmission site in Bonaire. Here in this off-grid cabin, on sixty rural acres, I bask in the freedom from electrical noise that might otherwise interfere with my shortwave radio listening—at least in this respect, this is the perfect DXpedition cabin. The signal coming out of Bonaire, however, would have overcome any interference: Radio Netherlands, my dear friend of some 32 years, had opened a special frequency for those of us in eastern North America…in order to say their good-byes to the airwaves.

I can only describe the experience of listening as radio bliss…pure radio bliss…marred only by the bittersweet realization that these were RNW’s final days on the air. The experience harkened back to the day when the big broadcasters had booming signals directed toward us.

But, alas. All too brief.

The broadcast was simply entitled Farewell and Thank You. You can hear it just as I heard it—through my recording--here (actual broadcast starts at 1:15):

RNW Farewell

Then, all day Friday, for nearly 24 hours straight, RNW bid good-bye and farewell to various parts of the world via shortwave, satellite and the internet. I was lucky enough to catch two more broadcasts.

This time of day (19:00 UTC), however, I needed bigger ears than the Sony could provide. I was listening to broadcasts targeting west and east Africa, not North America. Having already charged my laptop battery, I plugged in the Bonito Radiojet (an SDR that I’m currently reviewing) and, just before 1900 UTC, directed her towards 17,605 kHz. Though my Sony found the signal barely audible, the RadioJet produced beautiful fidelity.

This RNW broadcast, entitled The First 50 Years, took listeners through the highlights and history of the Dutch radio service. Here’s the recording I made with the RadioJet:

RNW Farewell 2

A final sign-off

RNW headquarters in Hilversum, Netherlands (photo coutesty: RNW)

RNW headquarters in Hilversum, Netherlands (photo coutesty: RNW)

At 20:00 UTC, RNW broadcast their very final show—a repeat of Farewell and Thank You (above) appropriately targeting Africa once more. I tuned the dial to 11615 kHz and listened again to the full broadcast. This time, however, as the program drew to its close, the broadcast crew added a personal message.

Jonathan Groubert, the talented host of The State We’re In, broadcasted live from Hilversum’s Studio 4 for a deeply touching adieu. Tears were shed, and I’m not ashamed to confess that I, too, listened through a haze of them as these capable and dedicated journalists, whom I’ve grown to trust, signed off the RNW airwaves for the last time.

But listen for yourself:

RNW Farewell 3

Jonathan Marks, RNW’s host of MediaNetwork, also featured in the farewell broadcast, recorded the final sign-off from within Studio 4. You can listen to this and read the description on his excellent website.

Dank je wel, Radio Nederland


RNW--my dear radio friends—I’m going to miss you. Your personalities--and the collective personality of RNW itself--your award-winning content, news, reporting, and your integrity stood out amongst all those Cold War broadcasters I listened to growing up—who, as you so well put it, were merely mouthpieces for their respective governments.

Radio Nederland, I loved your broadcasting because you were fearless: you marched to the beat of your own drummer, were not afraid to turn a critical eye even upon yourself, and as a result--in a world of sham journalism, of compromise and hypocrisy—you earned my trust. You had nothing to hide, and you had so many stories to tell.

RNW: I listened.

I wish you (and your intrepid creators) the very best in all that you do. I trust your new incarnation(s), whatever form they take, will do much good in this world which so sorely needs it, and sincerely believe that your integrity will live on.