Voice of Nigeria sign on: May 16, 1982

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

QSL Card courtesy of Paul Greaves (W4FC) 

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

I used to make it a habit to tune to this station just to hear this great Inverval
Signal and sign-on. This usually boomed in on 7255 kHz at sign-on. I have not listened
in years but hope it is still there. I probably logged this on my ICF-2001 back then.

Date of recording: 5/16/1982 

Frequency: 7.255

Starting time: 0530

Location: South Bend, Indiana

Voice of Nigeria: May 16, 1982
Tom Laskowski

Voice of Nigeria (DRM): May 29, 2015

Voice of Nigeria in DRM mode recorded in London, UK on May 29, 2015 at 1859 UTC on the frequency of 15120 kHz using a NewStar DR111 radio with the Lowe PR-150 preselector, DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference. The transmitter is located in Abuja, Nigeria and has a power rating of 250 kW. The recording is of the news bulletin announcing the first peaceful transition of power to the new democratically elected president of Nigeria. 

Voice of Nigeria (DRM): May 29, 2015
London Shortwave

Voice of Nigeria: January 28, 2015

For your listening pleasure: the Voice of Nigeria--recorded on January 28, 2015, starting at 10:00 UTC on 9,690 kHz. 

This recording was made with a WinRadio Excalibur SDR hooked up to a horizontal delta loop wire antenna--location is eastern North America (North Carolina).

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Voice of Nigeria: January 28, 2015
Thomas Witherspoon

Voice of Nigeria (English/French): December 4, 2013

Enugu, Nigeria (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Enugu, Nigeria (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to SWAA contributor, Frank, for this recording of the Voice of Nigeria made from his home in Europe. Frank sent some notes with this recording: 

"Voice of Nigeria (250 kW transmitter) in French and in English, but in English only as a very short excerpt (at the start of the recording, when the CRI transmitter of 500 kW went off the air). Another short piece of English is audible at the end of the recording, when apparently transmitter problems caused termination of the transmission (there should be 1 hour of English language broadcast at 08:00 GMT, but the transmitter fell silent after several minutes)."

Frank, many thanks for these notes and the many recordings you contribute to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive!

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Voice of Nigeria English and French: December 4, 2013