Voice of the People (Aleppo, Syria): October 14, 1978

painting from François-Marie Rosset from 1790

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: 'Voice of the People' Aleppo / SYR

Date of recording: 10/14/1978

Starting time: 18:29

Frequency: 1.313 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000 w/loop antenna

Notes: VoP Aleppo, Syria
QRG: 1313 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 14th Oct. 1978 - 18:29 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000 w/loop antenna
Px: A, nx, ID, local mx
SINPO: 23332
From the times before its destruction, when Aleppo was one of the prettiest cities in the Middle East.

Voice of the People (Aleppo, Syria): October 14, 1978
Gert Irmler