HJZW Radio Almirante (Riohacha, Colombia): October 30, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: HJZW Radio Almirante, Riohacha - Colombia

Date of recording: October 30, 1978

Starting time: 01:17

Frequency: 1.200

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, loop antenna

Notes: HJZW R Almirante Riohacha, CLM

QRG: 1200 kHz

QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany - distance to Riohacha 5.285 mi

Px: S, anns, IDs, Vallenato mx, "Guajira"

SINPO: 24432

Extremely rare recording of that Colombian AM broadcaster - confirmed as 'first time logged in Germany' by our national ADDX association.

The famous 'Alltime DX list' of the 'Medium Wave Circle' contains following entry: "HJBZ Ondas del Riohacha, Riohacha, Colombia (ex

HJZW R Almirante) (not listed in 2020 WRTH) - first log in the UK 11/78; NG" - Hey! My officially confirmed log is from Oct. 1978 :))

HJZW Radio Almirante (Riohacha, Colombia): October 30, 1978
Gert Irmler

Radio Chinchaycocha: July 5, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Chinchaycocha, Junín / PRU 4860 kHz

Date of recording: July 05, 1978

Starting time: 04:42 UTC

Frequency: 4.860 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire


OBZ4Z R Chinchaycocha, Junín, Perú
QRG: 4860 kHz
QTH: Schwäbisch Gmünd / Southern Germany
Rec: 5th July 1978 / 04:42 - ca. 07:15 UTC (GMT) (!)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000 - 30m longwire
Px: S, anns, huaynos, ID
SINPO: 34322
Remark: July 5th, 1978 was a very special day - great LA reception with smooth fade-out far beyond sunrise. Picaflor's spellbinding folk song 'María Alejandrina' caused goosebumps (especially from 3:33 in the MP3). Text goes as:

"María Alejandrina, what a beautiful woman's name you have.
Your name is kindness. Your noble heart ...
I would like them to change my bad life for good.
She isn't Carmen Rosa, nor Ana María,
nor is she Margarita, It's María Alejandrina ..."

ID at 14:58 in sound file ('desde Chinchaycocha'), the station's transmitting power in 1978 was 0.5 kW ...

Radio Chinchaycocha: July 5, 1978
Gert Irmler

HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Bucaramanga / CLM

Date of recording: July 05, 1978

Starting time: 02:59

Frequency: 4.845

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: HJGF R Bucaramanga, Colombia

QRG: 4845 kHz

QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany

Rec: 5th July 1978 - 02:59 UTC (GMT)

Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Px: S, mx, ID w/QRGs

SINPO: 33333

Note: Station was founded in 1934. At 1:23 ID in MP3. Above related page from my old DX logbook, when I was 15 yrs old.

HJGF Radio Bucaramanga: July 05, 1978
Gert Irmler

Voice of the People (Aleppo, Syria): October 14, 1978

painting from François-Marie Rosset from 1790

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: 'Voice of the People' Aleppo / SYR

Date of recording: 10/14/1978

Starting time: 18:29

Frequency: 1.313 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000 w/loop antenna

Notes: VoP Aleppo, Syria
QRG: 1313 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 14th Oct. 1978 - 18:29 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000 w/loop antenna
Px: A, nx, ID, local mx
SINPO: 23332
From the times before its destruction, when Aleppo was one of the prettiest cities in the Middle East.

Voice of the People (Aleppo, Syria): October 14, 1978
Gert Irmler

Emisoras Jesus Del Gran Poder : December 8, 1994

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Emisoras Jesús del Gran Poder Quito / EQA 5050 kHz

Date of recording: 12/8/1994

Starting time: 00:59

Frequency: 5.050

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: HCFF1 Emisoras Jesús del Gran Poder Quito, Ecuador
QRG: 5050 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 8th Dec. 1994 - 00:59 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire
Px: S, ID, El Condor Pasa, 2nd ID, And. mx
SINPO: 23332
Note: Transmitter power 5 kW, distance QTH/Quito 6.150 mi

Emisoras Jesus Del Gran Poder : December 8, 1994
Gert Irmler

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Satélite Santa Cruz / PRU

Date of recording: 1/17/1995

Starting time: 03:14 UTC

Frequency: 6.7245 MHz

Your location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Your receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: OAX2L R Satélite Santa Cruz, Perú
Px: S, Huaynos, jingles, ID, N.A., s/off
SINPO: 34333
Note: Transmitter power acc. to WRTH: 0.15 kW at that time - distance 6500 miles

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995
Gert Irmler

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Gert Irmler, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: R Satélite Santa Cruz / PRU - 6724.5 kHz

Date of recording: 1/17/1995

Starting time: 03:14

Frequency: 6.724 MHz

Reception location: Schwäbisch Gmünd, BW - Germany

Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire

Notes: OAX2L R Satélite Santa Cruz, Perú
QRG: 6724.5 kHz
QTH: Schwaebisch Gmuend / Germany
Rec: 17th Jan. 1995 - 03:14 UTC (GMT)
Rx, Ant: Grundig Satellit 2000, 30m longwire
Px: S, Huaynos, jingles, ID, N.A., s/off
SINPO: 34333
Note: Transmitter power acc. to WRTH: 0.15 kW

Radio Satélite Santa Cruz: January 17, 1995
Gert Irmler