Russ Edmunds' Mediumwave DX Airchecks: 1968-1978


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Russ Edmunds, who has kindly shared another collection of mediumwave airchecks (click here to check out all of his contributions).

Russ notes that the reception location was Parsippany, NJ (in a garden apartment) using a Hammarlund modified HQ-150 and a 4' air core amplified loop.

Russ also shares details about each recording in the following table. All recordings have been embedded below:

Russ MW Logs.JPG
YVMF: December 1, 1970
Russ Edmunds
XEDM: August 13, 1970
Russ Edmunds
CMJY: April 20, 1970
Russ Edmunds
HRVW: April 22, 1970
Russ Edmunds
HJCK: April 18, 1970
Russ Edmunds
KFBK: April 6, 1970
Russ Edmunds
HIJB: March 2, 1970
Russ Edmunds
XERCN: February 23, 1970
Russ Edmunds
CFCN: January 26, 1970
Russ Edmunds
XEMO: January 12, 1970
Russ Edmunds
XEG: December 29, 1969
Russ Edmunds
Audio Block
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TGJ: October 6, 1969
Russ Edmunds
TIOS: October 5, 1969
Russ Edmunds
PRE3: October 24, 1971
Russ Edmunds
CFCY: February 3, 1975
Russ Edmunds
XERH: October 15, 1970
Russ Edmunds
KKAA: December 3, 1974
Russ Edmunds
HIAU: November 15, 1974
Russ Edmunds
HJHN: April 3, 1973
Russ Edmunds
KRZI: March 3, 1978
Russ Edmunds
XEMP: December 6, 1971
Russ Edmunds
PJD2: October 18, 1970
Russ Edmunds
HRTV: September 30, 1970
Russ Edmunds
HJES: December 20, 1971
Russ Edmunds
HJQZ: January 6, 1975
Russ Edmunds
KRDS: January 10, 1972
Russ Edmunds
YVOZ: April 20, 1970
Russ Edmunds

Russ Edmunds’ Mediumwave Airchecks: 1969 - 1978


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Russ Edmunds (WB2BJH), for sharing this collection of mediumwave airchecks dating from 1969 to 1978. (Click here to check out all of Russ’ contributions.)

If you’ve subscribed to the SRAA podcast, you might only automatically download the first of these recordings. I would encourage you to view and listen to all 29 recordings on this dedicated Shortwave Radio Audio Archive post.

Click here to download a spreadsheet with full details of each clip.

TIOS 825 kHz: October 05, 1969
TGJ 880 kHz: October 5, 1969
XEMO 860 kHz: January 12, 1970
CFCN 1060 kHz: January 26, 1970
XERCN 1110 kHz: February 23, 1970
BBC 1214 kHz: February 23, 1970
HIJB 830 kHz: March 2, 1970
KKHI 1150 kHz: April 06, 1970
KFBK 1530 kHz: April 6, 1970
HJCK 1160 kHz: April 14, 1970
YVOZ 1200 kHz: April 20, 1970
HRVW 1172 kHz: April 22, 1970
CMJY 860 kHz: April 20, 1970
XERH 1500 kHz: October 15, 1970
PJD2 1295 kHz: October 18, 1970
YVMF 1120 kHz: December 1, 1970
HRTV 715 kHz: September 30, 1971
PRE3 1180 kHz: October 24, 1971
XEMP 710 kHz: December 6, 1971
KSVC 980 kHz: December 6, 1971
HJES 980 kHz: December 20, 1971
KRDS 1190 kHz: January 10, 1972
KLIF 1190 kHz: January 10, 1972
KKIM 1000 kHz: February 19, 1973
HJHN 960 kHz: April 13, 1973
HIAU 1241.5 kHz: November 15, 1974
KKAA 1560 kHz: December 03, 1974
CFCY 630 kHz: February 3, 1975
KRZI 1580 kHz: March 3, 1978
KCTA 1030 kHz: December 3, 1978

CKCM Grand Falls, Newfoundland: Oct 1, 1976

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Ray Robinson, who shares this mediumwave recording of a station ID and notes:

"This was my first ever transatlantic DX catch of a North American station, while I was living in England. I was so excited! The radio bug truly bit me, and I have been an avid radio enthusiast ever since!"

Broadcaster: CKCM, Grand Falls, Newfoundland

Date of recording: 10/1/1976

Starting time: 0156 UTC (2326 local Newfoundland time)

Frequency: 620 kHz

Received in Luton, England, using a Russian Vega 206, medium wave loop

CKCM Grand Falls, Newfoundland: Oct 1, 1976
Ray Robinson

RTL 1440 kHz Final Sign-on: December 31, 2015

Live off-air recording of the final sign-on and first three hours of legendary broadcaster RTL (formerly Radio Luxembourg) on 31 December 2015 beginning at 03:55:44 UTC on the medium-wave frequency of 1440 kHz from Marnach, Luxembourg. The transmitter switched off at 22:59 UTC on 31 December 2015, coincident with many medium-wave transmitters in France and Germany permanently switching off on New Year's Eve or early on New Year's Day.

The transmission begins with the carillon interval signal, followed by the programming of Deutschlands Hit-Radio. Between about 04:30 and 05:00 UTC, there is religious programming from Radio Freundes-Dienst. The recording ends at about 07:00 just as the program from China Radio International (in German) begins. 

The broadcast was received by the Web-interface wideband software-defined radio at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, with a "Mini-Whip" antenna in AM mode with 8.09 kHz RF filtering.

RTL 1440 kHz Final Sign-on: December 31, 2015
Richard Langley