Radio Moscow (8 August 1970)
/Radio Moscow (8 August 1970). Propaganda broadcast discussing German-Soviet Treaty, Northern Ireland, Vietnam and the Middle East
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Radio Moscow (8 August 1970). Propaganda broadcast discussing German-Soviet Treaty, Northern Ireland, Vietnam and the Middle East
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Indo-Pakistan War (1971)
Shortwave transmissions from All India Radio during the Indo-Pakistan War (1971)
01 All India Radio (Thursday 16 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT
02 All India Radio (Friday 17 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT
03 All India Radio (Saturday 18 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT
Information on the Indo-Pakistan War (1971)
Off-air recordings by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Dave Brubeck
For your listening pleasure, Raoul van Hall's Jazz From the Left via WRMI.
This show was recorded on 7.730 MHz on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 starting around 00:00 UTC. The recording was make with a WinRadio Excalibur Receiver and a skyloop wire antenna in North Carolina.
DSWCI (Danish Shortwave Club International) special 60th anniversary broadcast recorded in London, UK on December 3, 2016 at 1959 UTC, on the frequency of 9715 kHz using, SDR#, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter, Lowe PR-150 preselector and DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference. The transmitter is located in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. The power rating of this transmission was 125 kW.
Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan. 1969)
Shortwave broadcast from the Voice of Vietnam in Hanoi
(Monday 27 Jan. 1969).
- Music
- Woman announcer reads names of captured American GI’s
- Music
- Announcer talks of conditions of captured GI’s
- Music
- Comments from captured American GI’s
- Announcer reads out the names of captured GI’s and comments
from GI’s themselves
- Music
- Announcer reads out names of GI casualties
Sound quality- fair
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Death of Yuri Andropov (14 Feb 1984) (Tues 1200GMT). Andropov succeeded Brezhnev as General Secretary of the Communist Party.
Radio Moscow shortwave broadcast. Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
More information-
Josephine Baker. Shortwave broadcast from the Voice of America,
January 1972.
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
More information on Josephine Baker-
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, for the following recording and notes:
Another one of my many recordings of Shortwave Listener's Digest from Radio Canada International. This program highlights are: Gerard Raskin and Ian McFarland with a program about the first radio broadcast on Christmas Eve 1906; Glenn Hauser's DX news; Item from Radio Netherlands on New Year's Nonsense from the Netherlands.
Starting time: 2107 UTC
Frequency: 15.325 MHz
Receiver location: South Bend, IN
Receiver and antenna: GE portable and longwire
The following recording of the Spectres of Shortwave soundtrack was recorded on November 13, 2016 on 7.57 MHz starting around 23:00 UTC. Note that the audio ends abruptly--likely a technical error at WRMI. I kept recording one minute after the audio stopped (but the AM carrier was still present).
Live, off-air recording of the first English-language version of "Radio. Menschen und Geschichten" ("Radio. People and Stories") transmitted by Shortwave Service ( in Euskirchen, near Bonn, Germany, using a transmitter at Noratus, near Gavar, Armenia, on 28 November 2016 from 20:00 to 20:30 UTC on a shortwave frequency of 6005 kHz. The transmitter power was 100 kW with an antenna beam azimuth of 330°.
The program consists of two interviews: the first with Rimantas Pleikys about radio jamming and the second with Amanda Dawn Christie about her film documentary "Spectres of Shortwave."
The broadcast was received by the Web-interface wideband software-defined radio at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, with a "Mini-Whip" antenna in AM mode with 5.08 kHz total bandwidth RF filtering. Reception was quite good with negligible noise and no interference although the initial minute of audio was transmitted at a very low level.
(Fri. Sept. 29, 1972)
01. Radio Peking 08-30 GMT 19 metres
02. Radio Japan 09-30 GMT 25 metres
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Information on the Japan- China Treaty-
BBC World Service (August 28, 1979)
All India Radio (August 28, 1979)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Information on the life and death of Louis Mountbatten-,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma
Other broadcasts on this topic-
01. Speech by Fidel Castro (in Spanish) on the 15th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Originally delivered January 2, 1974. Broadcast January 10, 1974- 0420GMT- 11.840khz.
02. English summary of Castro’s speech January 11, 1974. 20.55 GMT- 15.140khz
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.
01.U.N.Radio-Security Council (Jan7,1980)
United Nations Radio- Security Council. 15410 khz.
20-30 GMT (i.e. 6-30 am Jan 8, 1980 East Australian Time)
02.Radio Peking (Jan 8,1980)
Commentary from Radio Peking. 20-30 GMT. 25 Metre Band.
(i.e. 6-30 am. 9 Jan 1980 East Australian Time)
03.U.N.Radio-General Assembly (January 14,1980)
U.N. Radio- Debate in the General Assembly. 15410 khz.
20-25 GMT (i.e. 6-25 am. 15 Jan 1980 East Australian Time)
Off-air recordings and intros by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Information on the history of United Nations Radio-
Other broadcasts on this topic-
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Joel Benavidez, who notes:
Amateur radio operator Joel Benavidez, KF5UNI from San Antonio, Texas made the recording in his home using the internet and the magic of Software Defined Radio or "SDR". SDR allows anyone with an internet connection to monitor someone else's radio over the internet. In this case, Amateur radio operator Louis Brown, KD4HSO in Kansas.
The Show "DXers Unlimited" is a ham radio oriented "techy" show out of Cuba, known to, and respected by Ham radio operators the world over.
Starting time: 0515
Frequency: 6.099 MHz
Location: Remote Recording made in San Antonio, Texas (HamGridSquare EL09ql) by station KF5UNI from station KD4HSO in Kansas USA (HamGridSquare: EM28qw)
Your receiver and antenna: OpenWebRX Software Defined Radio (SDR) over with receiver at
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, John Lutz, who notes:
Emergency Action Message (EAM) transmissions are associated with the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS). The HFGCS is a network of single sideband transmitters used by the United States Air Force to transmit encrypted messages to in-flight military aircraft, ground stations and in some cases, US Navy surface vessels. The purpose and format of the messages are subject to wide-ranging speculation, but are generally thought to be for directing nuclear-capable forces regarding the execution of specific attack options.
Starting time: 04:52 UTC
Frequency: 8.992 MHz
Location: Shorewood, IL EN51vm
Receiver and antenna: FT-920 transceiver and ground-mounted 23-foot vertical antenna
Gorbachev overthrown (Monday 19 August 1991)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Shortwave broadcasts-
01. Radio Moscow (13 hrs GMT. 15560 khz)
02. BBC World Service (9740khz)
03. Radio Moscow (13-15 hrs GMT)
04. BBC World Service (13-20 GMT.6195 khz)
Coup fails
05. BBC World Service (21 August 1991. 13 hrs GMT 9740 khz)
06. Russian Coup- Radio Moscow (22 August 1991. 13 hrs GMT)
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
Radio Peking- Shortwave report on Saigon's occupation of Chinese territory.
Broadcast January 21, 1974. 09-30GMT/ 11.720khz
Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia
A shortwave transmission from Radio Peking
(recorded in Australia by Ian Holder)
Propaganda- the Challenge to World Peace by
‘the U.S. Imperialists”.
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