Radio Earth on WRNO Worldwide: September 21, 1984


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Earth program on WRNO Worldwide (New Orleans) in 1984 hosted by Jeff White and includes letters from listeners, commercials, music and announcements that Radio Earth broadcasts would be leaving WRNO and moving to Radio Clarin in the Dominican Republic.

Date of recording: 9/21/1984

Starting time: 0300 UTC

Frequency: Unknown

RX location: Minnetonka, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A with longwire

Radio Earth on WRNO Worldwide: September 21, 1984
Tom Gavaras

ABC Radio Ray Briem Shortwave Show: December 15, 1984


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Ray Briem Show on DXing and Shortwave Listening aired on the ABC Talk Radio Network. The show features many shortwave recordings/interval signals plus interviews with Stewart MacKenzie (American Shortwave Listener's Club), Dr. Richard E. Wood (well known DX-er), Tom Meijer (Radio Netherland’s Happy Station program), Arthur T. Cushen (well known blind DX-er), Glenn Hauser (Review of International Broadcasting/World of Radio), Ian McFarland (Radio Canada International’s Shortwave Listener’s Digest), H. D. Norman (NDXE Radio which never made it on the air), Joe Costello (Owner of WRNO Worldwide) and callers. The recording has popping sounds that were not able to be fully filtered out.

ABC Radio Ray Briem Shortwave Show: December 15, 1984
Tom Gavaras

Glenn Hauser's World of Radio 1984 extra program: September 08, 1984


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dave Zantow, who shares the following recording and notes:

One of Glenn Hauser’s more interesting “extra” programs to me over the years was his radio 1981 summer vacation recordings to South Dakota (near the Nebraska border).

Attached is the entire WRNO recording of that program (which aired on Sep 8, 1984). This was before he “air numbered” the programs.

Station KINI web site (station active today) :

Stream :

Glenn Hauser's World of Radio 1984 extra program: September 08, 1984
Dave Zantow

La Voz Del Llano (Part 1): September 2, 1984

La Voz Del Llano Logo.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who shares the following off-air recording and notes:

Here is a recording of La Voz Del Llano on 6,115 kHz from 2 September 1984. The first part is about 10 minutes, the second is 2 hours and 15 minutes. It was originally recorded on an open reel tape at 1 7/8 ips.
La Voz Del Llano (Part 1): September 2, 1984
Paul Harner

Death of Yuri Andropov (14 Feb. 1984)

Death of Yuri Andropov (14 Feb 1984) (Tues 1200GMT). Andropov succeeded Brezhnev as General Secretary of the Communist Party.

Radio Moscow shortwave broadcast. Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.

More information-


Death of Yuri Andropov- Radio Moscow (14 Feb 1984)

Radio Moscow: September 19, 1984

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jim Jordan, who shares this recording of Radio Moscow from September 19, 1984. This recording was made using a National Panasonic RF-2200 tuned to 9.5 MHz around 08:10 UTC. The location was South Shields, UK. 

Jim notes:

A nice cold war piece from Radio Moscow on the double defection of the Soviet journalist Oleg Bitov.
The real story behind it was revealed ten years later here:
Radio Moscow: September 19, 1984
Jim Jordan